Happy New Year everybody! Let's hope we have a fantastic 2022!
Welcome back to school.
Miss Edwards and I would just like to say a thank you to the grown ups for your thoughtful gifts.
The children have settled right back in to our routine and we have had a super week. They were all pleased to see their friends and eager to tell each other about the Christmas presents they had received. We talked together about our hopes and dreams for the new year ahead.
Our new topic this half term is TOYS. We are going to be exploring the different types of toys and what materials they are made from. This week the children have drawn a picture and written about their favourite toy.
We have listed to the fab story Paper Dolls by Julia Donaldson and the children enjoyed decorating their own paper dolls.
In phonics we will be moving on to the level 2 sounds. The children are doing a great job with remembering the sounds and being able to blend them together to read words. Please can I remind you to date and write a comment in your child's yellow reading record book each time they practise with you. 5 minutes each day will really help your child to consolidate their knowledge and become more confident.
The children are continuing to get a greater knowledge of numbers within 5, this week focussing on the importance of zero, one less and comparing amounts. The children have enjoyed making 2d shape monsters this week. There is a photo of them displayed in the classroom for you to look at. They are very creative.
In PE with Mrs Shingler the children have started to learn the skills of basketball. They have practised bouncing the ball to waist height and keeping it under control. They have also continued to work on their football skills, impressing the coaches, as always with their listening skills and enthusiasm.
Please could I ask that over the weekend you spend a little time teaching your child to zip up their own coat. The children are trying hard to become more independent and by being able to zip their own coat up enables them to get outside much quicker and enjoy playtime with their friends. I am sure you will understand that fastening up 30 zips takes time and we would rather the children have that time outside.
Thank you for your continued support. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x