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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 7 week beginning 25th July

Hello everybody.

Can you believe that a whole year has whizzed by!

Miss Edwards and I would like to thank you all for putting your trust in us to look after your children this year. We have had  a fantastic year with them! The children have all been absolutely amazing and have made super progress. We would like to thank you for your continuous support to us and your children and your generosity with our thoughtful gifts. They are very much appreciated. 


We had fun as always this week. The children have had another visit to see their new class and teacher Miss Green. The children also met Mrs Hermans last week.

On Tuesday we had bouncy castle fun, and in the words of the children, "It was the best day ever!"

Today we ended the year with bringing your toy to school. The children have a great day giggling and playing together.

Have a look through our photos below.


During the summer you might like to have a look on the Oxford Owl website to help your child to continue to practise their phonics using the sound books and reading books.





I hope you all have a fantastic summer holiday, keeping safe and making lots of memories.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
