Well Autumn 1 2023 is a wrap!
Thanks for all of your help and support in getting your little folk settled at school. They have come so far in such a short time and we are all immensely proud of them
It has been a lovely week of learning. The whole school were amazing in our Harvest Assembly weren't they?! But hats off to our younger children for their confidence in performing to a very busy hall of grown ups! I'm sure that you are as proud as we are at this fab achievement.
We have been finding out about what harvest time is all about and why it is a tradition to celebrate it. We shared the traditional story The Little Red Hen, which was fun and we have been making patterns with natural objects in maths.
In phonics the children are working hard to develop their skills. Mrs Riley and I read weekly with each of them and they are naturally, all at different stages in their reading journey. You are also key to their reading success, as their home reading practise is integral to their progress. So thank you for sharing their phonics homework with them and for the wonderful reading that you do with them to support them. This half term we have learnt the phonemes:
s a t p i n m d o g
Our phonics scheme is quite pacey, with 2 new phonemes to learn each week, so it is important that the children practise and retain the phonemes that they learn. We consolidate the previously taught phonemes daily and it would be really helpful that you do this at home too. Please try to revisit these phonemes over the holidays to keep these phonemes secure. Practise recognising them on sight using the phoneme tiles that have been sent home, practise recalling them and writing them when you say them and work together on forming them correctly in their writing. Make 2 and 3 letter words for them to practise sounding out the letters and then blending them together to read them (there are lots of 2 and 3 letter words on the homework sheets for you to use for practise). Thanks for your support and if I can be of any support with home reading please come and speak to me or email me, I am here for you as this is a learning journey for you too!
After the holidays, in Autumn 2, we'll continue with our Getting to Know Me and Getting to Know You topic. In the first week we'll look at the first of lots of exciting festivals/special times that are due to take place for our families-Halloween and Bonfire Night. The dental nurse is visiting to talk to us about taking care of our teeth too.
Myself and Mrs Riley wish you the happiest of holidays, enjoy the rest and time together.
Mrs Cook xxx
Here are some pics of our last week of Autumn 1...