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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.



Hello Reception 2 Families and welcome to Wednesday’s Home Learning, hope you’re wearing a smile. X

Wednesday’s Topic Work


The Arctic is far, far away, as far North as you could possibly go on planet earth!

A long, long time ago, before mummy, daddy, grandma or grandad had even been born, 120 years ago in fact! There was a man who had a dream of travelling to the North Pole, or the Arctic. He sailed across the Atlantic Ocean for a very long time with his ship mates, until he reached the icy shore. They set up a base camp and prepared themselves for a long, long journey as far North as they could get. How exciting eh?! Also, how very brave. Watch this old, old video of this Arctic explorer as he sets about to get to the Arctic. Whilst you are watching, how can you tell that this video is old? What are the clues?

Now, imagine that you are an Arctic explorer and you have just arrived at the edge of the Arctic like these dudes did! Imagine what an amazing sight it would be! Draw the things that you would see. Think about all the things that we have been learning about so far!

Get your special explorers note pad and get drawing! (Grownups, there is an explorers note pad template vis the link below or alternatively you could make one.)


Wednesday’s Literacy Work


Parents and carers managing home learning, you are doing AN AMAZING JOB!!!!! In response to some of your emails, I would like to give you some links to guidance to put you in the driving seat at home when supporting your child. The first thing I’d like to share is a parent friendly link to some guidance about children practising using finger spaces in their writing. This a completely abstract concept for children! So it can take a while to get to grips with. Check out the guidance in the link below. Also find a print of a finger spacing tool that you can use at home.



When you feel ready to practise this skill with your child:


Dictate simple sentences that aren’t too challenging phonetically, so that they can focus on the job in hand! Using finger spacing!

Sentences like: A cat sat on a mat.  The hen is red. A dog can run. He can sit on a box. We will hop.

Provide a phase 2 phoneme mat.


Watch as they write. Are they naturally using finger spaces? They can sometimes be way to big! If you think they need practise, actually using their own finger placed in between words is very useful! (it’s fun to draw a little smiley face on their pointy finger!) You can use the finger spacer resource below or the alternative resources recommended in the guidance.


Play devil’s advocate! Write sentences like the ones above that are squashed together in to one big hobblety, gobbeltey word! Explain to your child how difficult it is to read words that don’t have finger spaces and work together to work out where they need to go!



Wednesday’s Maths Work

Let’s warm up our maths brains!





Mrs Cook is going to guide you through this Powerpoint now where we explore the properties of 3D Shapes and continue to learn some awesome new maths words, whoah!

Just click the link under the picture.



It’s time for some active learning! We are going on a 3D shape hunt! But this time we are going outside to do it! You can do this in your garden or whilst out and about on your daily walk! To print it off just click the link beneath the picture.


Wednesday’s Physical Challenge


These are the letters in the handwriting family that we call the ‘curly caterpillar’ family! Hiding within each letter is a ‘c’. We have practised handwriting these in class and it would be great if you had a practise at home.



Here is the link to the work sheets. Alternatively, you can write them in yellow to be traced or write one at the start of the line for your child to practise again and again until they reach the end of the line.

Now for something to get you moving!

Dance around the room to this tune! (the key worker children in school ask to dance to this song every day!)

Queen - Don't Stop Me Now

Time for Chapter 3 of our story My Father’s Dragon.

Thanks for yet another great day!

Mrs Cook x

