Thank you for emailing me photos of the wonderful fun that you are having learning at home. Please keep them coming! It would be lovely for the children to see what their class friends are up to! Well done children!
Henry is doing a spot of art! This looks like a super hedgehog Henry!
Check out Tayla's super repeating patterns!
Nina has been very busy! She has been practising writing some Phase 3 Tricky Words using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check. She is getting the hand of writing her whole name and look at this beautiful Poppy creation for Remembrance Day!
Hamid has been super busy! He has worked so hard to master making a repeated pattern and look how beautifully he can now write his name!
Artis has been a scientist today and he created this incredible papier mache volcano EXPLOSION!!!!!!
Awesome learning Artis!
Eva has been writing about her beautiful art creations. wow!!
I love your Poppy drawing Eva! Great improvising with the yorkshire pudding tray Eva's mum - I salute you!
Eva really enjoyed her 'Draw with Rob' tutorial. Cute Pug Eva!
Eva enjoyed some 'Cosmic Kids Yoga' to wind down to!
Great stuff Eva and her grown ups for keeping happy and busy!
Rose must have been practising her reading with the awesome Phonics Play comics on our Home Learning page because she has been inspired to be the author and illustrator of her very own comic! Reach for the stars Rose!!!!
It has been World Science Week this week and Wednesday and Thursday's learning is about all things science! Joshua is a definitely a budding scientist! Go Joshua! This is awesome!
Now then Arthur! You have been busy! Super duper reading practise right there!
Grace has drawn this fabulous apple tree. She should be very proud of it too!
Look at these roarsome dinosaurs that Finley K has drawn! High 5 Finley!
Mabel has been working very hard practising her Jolly Phonics-well done Mabel! She had lots of fun teaching her dollies the alphabet too!
Wow! Finnley L is having a science day today and his first experiment has been the Skittles Experiment! Look at these pics, look at the awesome pattern of colours created by the skittles. Well done Finnley for conducting such an interesting experiment!
(I wonder if he ate any?!)
Last week was 'World Science Day' and in celebration of this Leo had a super science day with his mum! Look at his awesome lava lamp and look how sensible and careful he is being! Super stuff Leo and Mum!
After all that tricky science, Leo enjoyed get busy with his Lego!
Last Friday it was BBC Children in Need and Tayla baked these delicious looking Pudsey Bear cookies with her Mum. Hope you saved one for me Tayla!