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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 2

What a fantastic week it has been in R1!

Thank you for all the great book donations for our school library.

We have enjoyed the Eric Carle story The Tiny Seed and discovered how seeds are dispersed. The children have produced some amazing observational drawings of daffodils. They took great care and paid attention to detail and colour. 

They children have started to write a bean diary. Some of the beans planted last week have started to crack and small shoots beginning to appear. Fingers crossed some more will happen over the weekend.

We celebrated World Book Day on Friday by wearing our pyjamas to school and enjoying bedtime stories together along with hot chocolate and biscuits!! We had a lovely afternoon.

The children also enjoyed their gymnastics session wearing their pyjamas.

Well done to Teddy who was our medal winner this week.

I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Take care 

Mrs Spooner x
