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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Weekly homework

Phonics and reading

Each Thursday your child will bring home their new reading books and phonic homework sheet to complete in pencil. The shared reading books give the children an opportunity to practise their reading skills with support from an adult as necessary. It also provides a chance to talk about what they have read with an adult. The books can be read multiple times during the week giving the children the chance to recognise unfamiliar words and build up their confidence when reading independently. We ask that every child aims to read at home at least 3 times a week for around ten minutes each time.


The children are now quite familiar with the phonics sheets, so as an extra activity see if they can make a sentence using one or two words from the list on the sheet. You could talk about why the same word has different spellings e.g. see, sea or beech, beach. 

In class we are continuing to practise writing sentences using different conjunctions e.g. and, because, so, then. Please draw lines on the paper so they can practise writing on the line.


Below is the link to the phonics and early reading section from our website which you may find useful when completing the phonic homework.


We will continue to send home a weekly spellings list to learn in their blue books on Thursday. The children will have one week to learn the spellings for a test the following Thursday. Please keep the blue book in their reading folder. There is also a practise sheet to help with learning the spellings (that lasts for two weeks). There is a copy below if it gets lost.

Thank you for your continuing support,

Miss Green and Miss Ryde
