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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Summer Term 2/2 Movement Topic

Week ending 28th July 2022

The children have had lots of fun during our last week in school. 

They loved their surprise treat of bouncy castles in the playground and they enjoyed bringing their teddy bears into school for the Teddy Bears picnic.

It was an emotional good bye to all the children, they have been a lovely class for me to end my teaching career with and I wish them all the very best of luck when they move on into their reception class.

Week ending 22nd July 2022

This week the children enjoyed playing with our Goldilocks and Three Bears puppets.  They drew pictures of Goldilocks and the Three Bears in their learning journeys.  The children are all showing a marked improvement in their drawing and mark making skills particularly when writing their names. 

Transition into School

On Friday the children enjoyed visiting their new class and meeting up with their reception class  teachers, Mrs Spooner or Mrs Cook.  The pictures below show the children confidently and happily playing in their next class room.

Week ending 15th July 2022

During this week the children met their reception class teachers Mrs Spooner and Mrs Cook.  The teachers came into the nursery to meet the children and to read them a story.  Next week the children will visit their new class and spend some time with their reception class teacher.  

Paint and tracks activity - we used a range of toy vehicles and wheels  along with brightly coloured paints to create paint tracks on paper.  We talked about movement, pushes and pulls.

The children are enjoying role play in the new toy shop.  They have been sorting and counting toys, making shopping lists and investigating how a range of experimental toys work.

Week ending 8th July 2022

Family Fun Day

Thank you for coming along to our family fun day.  The children were so looking forward to it and they enjoyed every moment of the afternoon. We as staff really enjoyed our get together too.  It was so nice after all the covid restrictions that we have all been through. 

I hope you enjoy looking at the pictures. 

Week ending 1st July 2022

On Tuesday we took the children to the park.  We looked at plants and trees, animals and birds and park activities.  The children were perfectly behaved and they enjoyed playing with their friends in the under fives play ground.  Back in the nursery they drew pictures of their favourite part of the park.

We have set up our Toy Shop role play.  The children are enjoying being shop keepers and customers.  They are sorting and counting toys and learning how to operate a range of experimental toys.

Thank you for watching our class assembly.  The children loved performing our medley of summer songs particularly the part where they threw their hats up in the air. 

Week ending 24th June 2022

This week the children took turns to operate our Bee-Bot programmable toy.   They were encouraged to use directional language e.g. forwards, backwards, turning left/right, stop, start, pause.  They practised counting out how many steps they programmed in and how many moves Bee-Bot made. 

Bubble Painting - the children were quick to pick up this fun painting technique.  We used paint in pots mixed with liquid soap.  The children blew down a straw to create a mass of colourful bubbles then carefully placed their paper over the bubbles - as the bubbles pop they leave an imprint on their paper.

Bubble painting helps develop fine motor skills and coordination between hands and mouth to create bubbles.  

Week ending 17th June 2022

We have made a good start on our new 'Movement' topic

We shared the story Toot Toot Beep Beep by Emma Garcia.  

The children enjoyed playing with our Toot Toot Beep Beep Story sack resources.  Each of the cars in the book is a different colour and type of vehicle and each one makes its own unique sound.  The children enjoyed finding the various vehicles, making the different sounds,  pushing them along and parking them up in the garage.

Art Activity - String Painting

For this activity we covered string in poster paint, arranged the string onto a piece of paper, folded over the  paper and  pulled out the string. We repeated this procedure using different colours to create patterns. 
