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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 6 Week Beginning 12th July

Hey There Reception 2! 

There is one word to describe the week we have had... AWESOME!


Check out the photos from the Danceathon! The children were so good. It was a hot day and they kept on boogieing for the whole time.



Mis Ryde and Miss Green came to visit! They both read us a story and answered our questions.

just when you thought that we'd had all of the fun possible... we had a WHOLE SCHOOL PICNIC! We had ice cream for pudding-yum! The cooks did a great job of preparing it all for us. yes

So, the teachers and TAs were tasked with breaking open the pinata in order to win their class a treat! We all took it way to seriously! The children were a brilliant audience. Everyone got treats!

We have successfully grown broad beans from seed! The children enjoyed harvesting the beans this week. They brought one home each. Did you enjoy yours? I hope so!

And to round off a wonderful week we had Reception Sports Day with Reception One! We encouraged and cheered each other as we all did our best! Well done everyone, you were all A - mazing!!!!!!! Everyone quite deservedly earnt a medal and a certificate! The event was topped off by us all having a well earned ice lolly to cool us down!

Reminders for Next Week


Everyday - please sun cream your child before school, ensure they have a bottle of fresh cold water EVERY DAY and send them in a sunhat. It is going to be extremely hot this week.


If you haven't already, please return report feedback sheets, any school reading books and home school yellow reading records.


Tuesday is Theeee Best Day Ever - please send your child to school in a school t-shirt and shorts. On Tuesday your child can bring a toy from home into school - NO ELECTRICAL OR PRECIOUS TOYS PLEASE. SEND THEM IN A NAMED CARRIER BAG PLEASE. 


Wednesday is class party day! The children can wear party clothes, please ensure they are safe and comfortable.


No PE this week so school uniform on Thursday please.


Friday - last day in Reception 2. cryingcryingcrying 


Sorry that this weeks highlights are a bit late. The Cook family took advantage of the weather and have been camping in the glorious Peak District this weekend. I hope you have had an ace weekend. Miss H and I can't wait to see you on Monday!



Mrs Cook


