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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 4

For all parents who wish to access Floppy Phonics please visit Oxford Owl online.


The login is as follows-   


Username: receptionlspooner

Password: VictoriaPark

Hello everyone!

This week we have started to learn the songs for our Christmas play.

The children have continued to thrive with their learning in phonics, discovering all about the numbers 4 and 5, making a lovely, colourful calendar and enjoying some sunshine outside.

Now the weather is getting colder please can I ask that hats, scarves and gloves are named as some children have the same.

This week was our last PE sessions for this half term as the hall will be being used for play rehearsals.

Kewa is our medal winner this week. Well done Kewa!


Please have a look through our photos below.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
