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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.


Mr Shingler's challenge 3

Physical Development
Keep fit with Mr Shingler

Spring is nearly here.  

Look around you when you are out and about.

You will see lovely spring flowers like the ones in my pictures.

At this time of year in the nursery we would be planting cress seeds.

Hopefully we will soon be back in school and able to experiment with compost and plant seeds.

Outside is a time for planting too!

Can you do any planting with your parents?  Please send me any pictures if you do any planting or growing at home.

Planting Potatoes

Count potatoes with me
Sing the rhyme One Potato, two potato, three potato, four

Mathematical Development

Count potatoes.

Have a look with your Mummy in the kitchen and see if you can find potatoes.

How many potatoes did you find?

If you take one away how many are left?

Next take two away - how many are left now?


Printmaking For Kids: Simple and Fun Potato Printing!

Cut a potato in half.
Perhaps your Mum will cut shapes into your potato for you
Next have a go at printing with your potatoes.
Dip your potato into paint then keeping your hand really still press down firmly onto a big piece of paper

Literacy - Writing

Name writing practise

Write your name on the back of your paper before you start your potato printing.


You could plant turnips now in February too.

Pig's Egg is a nice story read by Miss Brown.

But Pigs Egg does not turn out to be an egg.  Listen to the story to find out what Pig's Egg really is!

Pig's egg
