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Thursday 7th January

IMG 9863

Topic Activity

Good morning everybody!

Our new topic for Spring 1 is called Arctic Explorers. We will start off by looking at winter and cold weather. In class on Monday we talked about the snow we had during the holidays and how we had to wrap up warm wearing sensible clothes to keep us warm and dry. We also talked about how much fun we had building a snowman, making snowballs and some children enjoyed sledging! If you have any photos of your children in the snow, we would love to see.

Phonics/Literacy Activity

Over the next few weeks we are going to recap the digraphs (2 letters that make 1 sound).

Today we are going to look at 'ch'


Have a look at the action on the picture above. See if you can think of as many words as you can beginning with 'ch', see if you can see any 'ch' words in your books or packets around your home.

Have a go at Cheeping Chicks game on Education City.

Literacy activity

Please could you help your child to practise writing their name with correct letter formation and size. Only using a capital letter for the first letter in their name.

Please use the letter formation sheet to show your child the correct letter formation.


Maths activity

In maths today we would like the children to practise recognising the numbers and counting to 10. Here is a song to help.

Now you have warmed up your brains, lets have a go at a home challenge.

You will need to use some socks! Read the challenge attached below and have a go at the I Spy a Magpie game on Education City.

I hope you have enjoyed your first day of home learning. Well done!

To finish off the day I thought it would be nice to relax and listen to a lovely winter story.

Thank you all for your efforts today.

Mrs Spooner x

One Winter's Day

By M. Christina ButlerA sweet tale of kindness and a community coming together through hardship.
