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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.


Well everybody, 5 sleeps, yes it’s just 5 sleeps until school re-opens for everyone and we cannot wait. 

The classrooms are shiny and clean, the corridors are polished, activities are planned and organised and the teachers, the teachers are fresh faced and ready to go!

So now we just have to get you ready.  It would be a good idea to start going to bed a little bit earlier and practise getting up earlier so that it is not a big shock on Monday.  Monday is going to be a good day and you do not want to miss out by being tired or late.  Get your uniform out, find your book bag and choose which coat you are going to wear.  Now, just on Monday, because we have the scooters in school and because it is your first day back we have decided to mix and match your uniform: business on the top, party on the bottom. 

It seems like forever since we were all in school and I cannot tell you how proud we feel when we see you all together, in your lovely Victoria Park uniform.  However, we understand that you will need something comfortable if you are going to be doing some super-duper scootering on Monday.  So we have had a little think about how to get things right for you and here is the plan:

Super smart on the top with your yellow t-shirt and green jumper or cardigan and then comfortable and sensible on the bottom with joggers or leggings (preferably not shorts) and trainers.  We think that this is the best of both worlds and I am sure that you will agree.

School start and finish times and gates for coming into school are the same as they were in September and your teachers will be there to greet you and bring you in.  While you are waiting for your teacher see if you can spot Mr Scootfit and see what he has brought with him or have a think of what sort of cakes there will be for you to choose from??  Can you guess what activities your teachers have planned for you???

There are so many things to look forward to but just in case you have forgotten what school looks like or you cannot remember all of the teachers’ faces, have a little look at the videos below and see if they jog your memory. 

This video is a short, fun video which lets you play ‘guess where I am in school?’.  I have copied it off the website from Friday 12th February so the weather is much colder but school is still the same:


Name that place

Go for a peep around school and see where you recognise

A message for our children - May 2020

Unbelievably we made this nearly a year ago but it is a nice way to see familiar faces before school on Monday

I think that that is everything so all that is left now, is to say once again that we look forward to seeing all of you on Monday and are crossing our fingers that the sunshine lasts too.

Take care

Mrs Walkden
