Hello everybody.
To all the children who have been at home this week poorly, Miss Edwards and I hope you are feeling better and fingers crossed we will see you back in school next week.
In phonics this week we revisited the digraph 'th' and introduced the digraph 'ng'. The children are doing a great job with recognising the sounds and blending the sounds together to read words.
In maths we have been exploring 3d shapes and patterns. The children have enjoyed making models using the 3d shapes, following instructions on how to make a specific model and also creating their own shape models. We have also been looking at repeating patterns.
In topic and literacy we have continued to explore the Hansel and Gretel story by Bethan Woollvin. This week the children have been writing sentences to retell the story, remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. The children have enjoyed painting the characters from the story and made a collage gingerbread house. That created amazing work. I think we may have some budding artists in our class as the children have also completed an observational drawing of daffodils.
The dance that Mr Shingler has been teaching the children in PE is really coming along.
The children have done a fantastic job this week with lining up and coming into school in the morning and throughout the day. This week your children have had their first assembly in the hall with the rest of the school. You should be very proud of they as they have adapted so very well.
On Friday we found out about Red Nose Day and what people to to raise money and how it helps many different people. We also had a zoom with our junior school where each class shared a joke. It was good fun and there was lots of laughter!
Thomas is our medal winner this week. Thomas has worked very hard this week by being smart, concentrating, completing his activities and being a super friend. Well done Thomas, keep it up!
I hope that you all enjoy a lovely sunny weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday. Enjoy the photos.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x