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World Book Day Thursday 6th March - You can dress up as your favourite character or wear comfortable clothes

Week 2

Hello Everyone!

This week we have shared Eric Carle's The Tiny Seed. It taught us so much about plant life-cycles. We explored Eric Carle as an illustrator too and used his printing  techniques to create some beautiful collage...

World Book Day 2023 was a fun and memorable day! Imagine...gymnastics in your PJs, a Bed Time Storython (we managed to read 10!) and hot chocolate and biscuits with your mates!


Finally, the children enjoyed their first trip to our school library this week. They will visit on Thursday's every week. Please ensure that your child returns their book every Thursday, so that they can exchange it for a new one.



Reminders for next week...

  • PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays at the moment. We'll keep you updated if it changes, so PE kits on these days please.
  • Increasing numbers of children are coming to school without a water bottle. Please ensure your child has a bottle of fresh water in school every day.


Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Cook x

