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Spring 2 - On Safari to Kenya

Week ending 26th March

Spring is here and in Science we have been learning and talking about the seasonal changes to deciduous trees. In Geography we continued to learn about what it is like to live in urban or rural Kenya and how this compared to living in Stretford. We also recapped what we knew about the Maasai people and made our own patterned necklaces using collage materials. In Maths we have been solving word problems by adding or grouping objects into 2’s, 5’s and 10’s to find the answers, including learning what a double is.

On Tuesday we had a special celebration and dressed up as different characters from books to celebrate World Book Day. We enjoyed talking about our favourite books and even had a mystery reader to come and read us a story … it was Mrs O’Connell!

As we are fast approaching the Christian festival of Easter we have looked at the story from the Bible, retold it in our own way and learnt how some people celebrate Easter. The children produced some fantastic writing and I’ve very proud of their efforts 😊.

Lastly, we had some fun filled activities to finish off our week. We enjoyed the class Easter Egg hunt, a football session with Mr Shingler, piñata and a film with hot chocolate.

I hope you all enjoy the two weeks off school and I’ll see you back on Monday 12th April.


Below are the 'help' links for writing, phonics and maths that you might still find useful. 


Week ending 19th March

Wow! What an exciting and busy week we’ve had this week. The children were bursting with enthusiasm on science day and eagerly joined in with the different activities. There was lots of fun (and mess!) and things didn’t always go to plan but we all enjoyed ourselves and learnt about being a scientist and inventor. Lots of us enjoyed mixing the cornflour and water to make Gloop/ slime or watching the chemical reaction for the fizzy paint. The best bit was the rocket canister that Mrs Hart demonstrated as it didn’t work for Miss Green sad We also managed to fit in, our whole school picnic, a basketball session in PE and telling a class joke for our surprise audience… the Juniors.

Science Day - Rocket Canister

You may think with all this fun, how did we manage to fit in anything else? but we did! In maths, we’ve been practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and looking at the different number patterns they make on a 100 square. In English we’ve been concentrating on writing in sentences using the correct letter formation. In our topic work we have revisited work on the different animal groups and learnt about the Maasai people that live on the Masai Mara in Kenya.

It has been great fun in school this week and we can’t wait to see what we are going to be learning next week! Don’t forget to dress up as a book character on Tuesday to celebrate World Book Day.

Week ending 12th March

Wow, it's been a great first week back in school! We have done lots of playing and getting to know each other again. We have learnt all about Kenya and looked at some of the animals found on the Savannah. We have carried on learning about how animals can be sorted into groups (mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds and fish) and what they eat. We have practised our phonics and mental maths skills.

We have really enjoyed each other's company this week and can't wait for next week! 

Here are some of the things we have been doing in class.

We really enjoyed starting the week with Scootfit on Monday!

Things to remember for next week:

  • PE clothes on Monday and Friday (PE kit with joggers or leggings and sensible footwear).
  • Science Day on Tuesday - please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy.
  • Red Nose Day on Friday - wear your own clothes and something red (if possible).


If you missed the letter about the exciting things that are happening in school over the next two weeks, click on the link below.

Monday 22nd February - Remote Learning


Hello 1G,

We are starting our exciting new topic this half term, learning all about Kenya. To help you, I will be putting work on this page each day - some English, Maths and Topic based work. I am conscious that remote learning can be screen heavy so please take time to be creative, go outside, get baking or just relax as well.

Don't forget to email me some of the work you have been doing at home ( and I look forward to seeing you on our weekly zoom meeting.

In the meantime, stay safe and take care of each other,


Miss Green x
