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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Autumn 1










Hello Reception 2 Families!

Your little people have been just super this week! They've taken this huge step in their little lives in their stride heart Friendships are already being forged, lots of fun has been had and the children's talents and interests are already emerging.

Lunch times have gone well. Miss Hodgson and I will always get the children settled at lunch times, so we can and support, identify and solve any possible problems. We then hand over to the R2 lunch time supervisor, Mrs Thompson and she works closely with us to ensure that lunch times are a happy time in the children's day.

This week we have our first medal winner-Yaqoob, chosen because of his lovely manners, amazing listening skills and his kindness towards others. We took part in a (slightly soggy but we didn't care!) whole school outdoor assembly on Friday and the children amazed us with how they are already adapting to school routines.

Miss Hodgson and I have been truly blown away by how the children have already taken to routines and expectations. They've explored their new classroom environment with curiosity and excitement.

It's going to be a BRILLIANT year!!!!

Here are some photographs of our great start...


I'd imagine the children were exhausted on Friday at pick up! I hope that everyone is having a lovely weekend. Before I sign off, here are a few  reminders...

  • School starts at 9.10
  • School finishes at 3.10
  • Lunch is at 12.30-1.30. The children have fruit, a biscuit and milk in the morning.
  • Please ensure that the children bring a coat to school-Manchester weather and all
  • Please ensure that the children bring a clean, fresh bottle of water everyday, it will come home at the end of the day to be replenished
  • Please ensure that you purchase a green, school book bag from the school office and that it is brought to school every day. It is essential kit.
  • PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The children need to come to school in their PE kit NOT UNIFORM. PE kit consists of a yellow polo shirt, jogging bottoms/leggings or shorts (weather appropriate) and sensible trainers that are safe and comfy
  • I will send home some WOW slips this week. These are for you to record and send in any moments at home that made you proud of your little people. Just send them in with your child and they will be shared with the whole class
  • Any letters or slips that are completed and returned to school need to be handed to me at the gate in the morning or at home time. Please don't put them in book bags because we don't go through book bags regularly

Sorry, that was a lot of nagging! 

Thanks once again for a delightful week!

Mrs Cook xxx
