Our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half term and some ideas of how you can help at home.
Happy Half Term
We cannot believe this half term has come to a close already. Some highlights of the week include the fabulous Harvest Assembly and our walk to Victoria Park to spot signs of autumn. Thank you again to our wonderful parent helpers.
It was lovely to see so many children (and parents) at the disco; we hope you had fun!
We have firework poems to look forward to on our return.
Have a lovely week.
Mrs Nichol :-)
Help needed- Thursday 20th October
We still need one more parent helper for our local walk around Victoria Park next week. It will be from 9.00am to approx 10.30am. Please let Miss Ryde know on Monday if you can help :-)
Week beginning 10/10/2022
In English the children have enjoyed the book The Town Mouse and The Country Mouse. They have been writing sentences using 'because', talking about a character's feelings and connecting ideas together using 'and'. I am so impressed by the children's writing!
In maths the children have continued to compare numbers to 10 using the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to.
We were fortunate to have an extra P.E. slot this week. The children got to try out some Judo moves! In design technology we took a break from construction and focused on food. The children looked at where different foods come from (I wish some of the answers had been filmed- made my Friday!!!)
Books and Homework- slight change. New books and homework will now go out on a Thursday.
It's difficult to believe next week is the last of this half-term! We hope to see you at the Harvest Assembly.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Nichol :-)
Week beginning 3rd October
What a whirlwind of a week! The children have been super busy with lots of different projects. They have been singing their hearts out in preparation for the harvest assembly, have made towers in design technology, continued their wonderful writing in English and enjoyed an energetic dance lesson within PE. This biggest highlight of the week was a walk around the local area for their geography work.
Have a restful and lovely weekend.
Mrs Nichol :-)
The children at play
Whilst on duty, Mrs Walken spotted some members of 1C playing beautifully together. They were building 'leaf beds'. We felt we needed to share the lovely pictures!
Week Beginning 26th September
We have had another busy week! A particular highlight has been the children painting their self portraits! 1C is packed with budding young artists. The children have done some lovely writing relating to the book This is the Bear.
Thank you to everyone who came to the 'Meet The Teacher' event. Don't worry if you couldn't make it; the curriculum information has been sent home with your child today.
Once again, massive thank you for your support with your child's reading. When filling in their reading record, please could you put your comment next to where the book title has been written.
Have a great weekend; let's hope this rain passes!
Mrs Nichol :-)
Week beginning 19th September
What a week! Our highlights include getting started on our materials work in Science. The children explored what materials they could spot in the playground. Learning all about 'joins' in Design Technology caused much excitement, the children had fun using different connecting techniques. They will further use their skills to make a model tower in the coming weeks. Thank you for all of the cardboard donations!
Reminder; please can all permission slips for local visits be back in early next week.
Thank you for your support with their reading. New books have gone out today (Friday).
Have a great weekend! Mrs Nichol :-)
Week beginning 12/09/2022
We have had a lovely week in 1C with the children showing that they have now settled in really well. We have got stuck into our maths learning this week, with the children doing some sorting and counting activities. In computing, the children have found their street on Google Maps.
There is lots going home today (Friday); a letter about our phonics teaching, a Mini Alphabetic Code, a phonics homework sheet and three reading books.
Quick reminder; our P.E. days are on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please send your child in kit on these days. To avoid end of day confusion and missing items, please could book bags, cardigans/ jumpers and coats have your child's name in.
Have a great extended weekend and Miss Ryde will look forward to seeing the children back on Tuesday.
Mrs Nichol :-)
Our First Week!
The children have had a busy first week. Some highlights include; making art books, writing about what they did over the summer, playing with their friends and getting into the swing of Year 1 routines. A massive thank you to parents and children for the warm welcome to Victoria Park Infants. 1C have been wonderful! Reminder; Miss Ryde (Monday, Tuesday) and myself (Wednesday-Friday) are available in the playground from 8.55am, should you wish to speak to us.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Nichol :-)
Monday 5th September.
Welcome back everyone!
It has been a pleasure to welcome the children back to school today.
They have been busy enjoying lots of practical activities using our new resources and becoming familiar with our class routines.
Our PE days are on Wednesdays and Thursdays, please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on these days.
Mrs Nichol (Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays) and I (Mondays and Tuesdays) are available before and after school if you have any questions.
See you all tomorrow.
Miss Ryde.