- Practise counting and number recognition skills. Sing the number rhymes ‘Five little ducks’ and ‘Five little speckled frogs’ together
- Make and cut out frogs or ducks and clearly number them. Use them for one to one counting practise, number recognition and simple problem solving. Encourage the children to have a go at trying to write numbers.
These number rhymes can be found on the Little Baby Bum web site.
- Read the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ by Eric Carle. There is a wealth of maths to be derived from this delightful story book. Count together fruit and food items that can be seen in the story and in your food cupboards.
Extend their ability to problem solve by asking can you find one more or if we take one away how many are left?
Other activities:
- Encourage the children to count the things they see e.g. ducks, frogs, birds and butterflies (perhaps from your window, in your garden or when you go out for your daily walk)
- Count how many legs on a frog, how many wings on a bird or butterfly?
- Log on to Education City and explore the site. Under 'classwork' I have set a sing along task for you to complete this week. Can you find it? It is Five Little Ducks!
Yesterday I went for a walk to Longford Park and I took some photographs. Can you name and count some of the things I saw?
How many tree stumps? How Many squirrels? How many magpies?