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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

3rd February - Wellbeing Wednesday!

Wellbeing Wednesday

Mrs Walkden is here to introduce the day's activities


Children's Mental Health Week 2021 - a message from our Royal Patron HRH The Duchess of Cambridge

Mrs Spooner's draw 5 things that make you happy activity

Mrs Abbot's Wellbeing Wednesday activity

My Art and Music Activity
Draw and colour in time to the music to make a scribble pattern

Mrs O'Connell's Wellbeing Wednesday joke sharing activity

Miss Green's dress to express activity

Beautiful Oops! By Barney Saltzberg. Read by Mrs Cook x

Did you know that you can turn your mistakes and mishaps into masterpieces? Here's how...

Mrs Gill's Wellbeing Wednesday dance activity introduction

Click on the link below to start the dance. 

Mrs Al-Noah Paper Chains

Mrs Dempsey makes a den!
