Half term holidays
I hope you all have a great half term break, the class have worked hard and its been a pleasure getting to know then all properly.
Here are two Maths resources that you may find useful over the break
Mr Logan
Library Books
This week children will choose a book from our school library to bring home to read for pleasure. Children will be able to swap these books each week. However, can we ask that the books be brought to school each day in their reading folders as the opportunity to change the books may be on a slightly different day each week.
Mr Logan
This week we had an inspiring trip into Manchester City Centre. We all walked to the tram stop at Stretford, boarded the tram and arrived at St Peter's Square soon after. We looked at all the different types of buildings and discussed if we thought they were modern or old. We saw the statue of Emmeline Pankhurst and discussed the statue and why it was important. We talked about the phrase "Deeds not Words" that is written around the statue and what it means. We then went into Manchester Art Gallery and looked at many of the inspiring artworks there. We spent most of our time in the Lowry exhibition. It was amazing to see the paintings that had inspired our art work in class in real life! The whole class behaved perfectly and it was a pleasure to take them on a memorable trip. Thanks again to our parent helpers and staff that made sure the trip ran smoothly!
Mr Logan
12.10.22 Homework Update.
Starting today, the children in 2L will be issued with homework folders. Homework will be given on Wednesday and is expected to be returned by the following Tuesday. Children will be expected to put their homework into a homework folder box outside the classroom. Work in their folder will be marked and returned home on Wednesday with new homework included. All previous homework is to be kept inside the folder as a record of work completed at home.
Mr Logan
4.10.22 2L Update
This week has been actioned packed in 2L! We have been consolidating our knowledge of counting in 2's 5's and 10's in Maths and solving related word problems. In Literacy we have written letters to Emmaline Pankhurst and started to look at traditional tales. In Science we discussed what every living creature needs to survive. We have been programming 'BeeBots' to move around a small maze as part of our computing work and worked really well together in small groups to get our bots to complete the mazes. We have continued our brilliant Judo and Basketball sessions and as we move into harvest season we have been painting harvest fruit and vegetables for a display in the hall as well as learning songs.
Here is a link to the harvest song we have been learning
Thank you to those parents who attended the 'meet the teacher' evening and for the feedback you provided. For those who were unable to attend I will upload the powerpoint from the session to this page later this week.
Thanks again
Mr Logan
Hello, please find attached the Autumn 1 newsletter for Year 2. Also, just a note to clarify a few things! Spellings will now be given on a Friday for the test on the following Friday. A parent suggested they would appreciate a few extra days to learn them. I appreciate the feedback and I am always happy to listen. Homework will be given on Wednesdays to be returned by the following Wednesday.
I have noted that some parents were querying the level of the 'Floppy Phonics' books given to children to read at home. As part of the phonics scheme it is important that each child has a book to supplement their phonics sessions in class. As we are still working on that scheme your child will be provided with a book with words that feature the sounds we are looking at in school. For some children the phonics work will be used as an opportunity to develop vocabulary around the sounds we are looking at. Today for example we looked at the sound 'u-e'. One of the words we looked at was 'dispute' and some children who can decode and sound out the word were not sure as to what it meant. They were then encouraged to include the word in written work during the session and think of other words that feature that sound. Please use the phonics books as an opportunity to practice decoding, improve fluency and develop vocabulary.
Finally, my email address is JLogan@victoriaparkinf.co.uk
I will do my best to respond within 48 hours to any queries.
However, please feel free to speak to me in person at the start or end of the day as that may be a quicker way to get a response!
Mr Logan
Hello, a quick update on life in 2L. I will be sending home spellings at the start of each week in a red spelling book. Please use the page opposite the list of spellings to do any practice (read, cover, write) or sentence writing. We will then do a test on Friday in the back of the same book, so you will be able to see how your child has fared that week! Everyone has the same spellings to learn this week as we get used to routines but some weeks children might have different spellings from another group to learn. In terms of reading books, we will be changing books once a week and providing everyone with two books for that week. Children of course can supplement this with book from the library and books from home, I'm always keen to hear what the children have been reading. We also have a daily quiet reading session during which the children read books from our class library.
Homework will be sent home weekly and at the moment will be focusing phonics. If possible, encourage your child to try to use some of the new vocabulary included on the worksheet in conversation. It would be brilliant if some of these new words could feature in some writing in class and being familiar with meaning will encourage that!
In Maths we have been looking at place value and ordering numbers. Here are some interactive resources that can be accessed at home.
If you have any questions or anything to pass on please come and speak to me at the start or end of the day!
Thanks for your support!
Mr Logan
Hello and welcome to 2L! It has been a pleasure getting to know the children (and the school) so far this week. We've spent time in class getting used to routines and generally settling in to Year 2 life. In terms of books and home reading, the children's books will be changed regularly but they should make sure to bring their reading folders in each day and put them in the reading box outside of the classroom. PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays this half term. I will be available on the playground before and after school most days if you have any queries.
Mr Logan