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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 2

Hi there Reception 1 families!

What a very busy week we have had! We started the week by reading the first few pages of our new book Anna Hibiscus' Song by Antinuke. The children had some great discussions about what makes them happy in comparison to what makes Anna Hibiscus happy in the book. One of our discussions was about who makes us happy and what that person does to make them happy. All the children produced some super pictures of themselves with the person who makes them happy. These pictures are going to be displayed on the wall in the classroom. The children have continued to develop their listening to and following of instructions. This is particularly evident during Miss Murray's dance sessions which the children thoroughly enjoy and take part in.

On Wednesday we focused on Remembrance Day. The children had a good knowledge of why and who we remember on this special day. As a school we joined in with a one minute silence at 11 o'clock. Miss Edwards and I were extremely proud of how sensible the children were in being silent and thoughtful. Each child had an opportunity to paint a red poppy and to design their own medal. The children produced some colourful designs. We will add a selection of these to our 'Celebrations' display within the classroom.

We have also learnt about the festival of Diwali which Hindu's celebrate this weekend. We explored a number of the traditions carried when celebrating Diwali. The children listened to a lovely story called Dipal's Diwali. After discussing the story, the children coloured in Rangoli patterns, drew mendhi designs on hands and created a hand print elephant which they decorated with sequins.

On Friday it was Children in Need. We talked about how the charity helps many different children and what they do to help to raise money. As we could not bake our own cakes we practised our cutting skills and cut out cupcakes to put onto a cake stand. We also made headbands with Pudsey Bear ears.

The children are continuing to secure their knowledge of initial sounds and becoming more confident to blend those sounds together to read words. They have also been developing their understanding of numbers and comparing different amounts.

Why don't you have a look at the pictures of some of our activities from this week.

We were very lucky this week to be able to have our celebration assembly outside in the playground. We enjoyed dancing along to music and signing happy birthday to the children in school who have had birthdays this week.

The medal winner this week is Nathan. Nathan received the medal for working hard learning his sounds and for being more chatty and joining in with class activities. Well done Nathan!!


Next week on Monday 16th November, school will be taking part in Odd Socks day as part of Anti-Bullying Week. Please have a look for your most colourful socks and make sure you wear odd socks. We have been very lucky to receive a personal video message from Andy from CBeebies for the children of Victoria Park Infant School.


Still image for this video

Miss Edwards and I would like to say that we have had another great week with all the children and hearing all their news and ideas that they like to share with each other and the rest of the class.

Please continue to practise your child's sounds and reading daily and thank you for commenting in their reading record book.

Reminder - it is parent's evening next week. I am looking forward to speaking to you all but please be patient with me. This is the first time we have carried out parent's evening by phone call or Zoom, so fingers crossed it all runs smoothly!

I hope you all enjoy your weekend and have plenty of fun together!

See you next week

Mrs Spooner x
