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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Wednesday 27th January

Quick note to the Zoomers - I'm really sorry we got cut off! We only have a 40 minute limit. The four people who didn't get chance to speak can be first next time we are on! laugh 

Thank you so much for having such wonderful things to say!! I will send out the invite for the next Zoom by Friday. 

I also meant to tell you about Mrs Walkden's new tabs on the Class Pages - she is going to be doing some special assemblies so please do take a look! 

Lots of love and it was fantastic to see and hear those who could join today!

Mrs O'Connell Xx

Wednesday 27th January

Hello everyone! 
Well done if you have been reading books from the Get Epic online library! If you have not already had a look please do, as there are lots of books on there that your child can read or audiobooks to listen to. We have read 9 books as a class so far! Let's see if we can get to 20 books altogether by the end of the day! 

Here is a phonics video to start us off today.

Phonics video for Wednesday 27th January - oy

Mrs Nield - real and nonsense word sorting

You might want to enlarge the video to full screen to see the words more clearly.

As with the maths work yesterday, we also have a page to help Year 1 children and families with the phonics work and reading. We think you will find them really useful, as they cover the basic skills and all of the sounds we teach in Year 1. 

There are checklists underneath the phase 3/5 flashcard videos so you can check which sounds your child is struggling with and which they'll need to concentrate on next. 

Also today I'd like to tell you that Collins Publishing has made a range of books available for free online. They are really fantastic resources to use for all of the colour bands that our reading book scheme follows. 

Click on the link below.  Then go to the teacher portal and enter:

Password: Parents!21
  and log in to the Big Cat bookshelf. 


I would like you to focus on your handwriting today - please practise your long ladder letters. Watch the video, practise the letters l i t u j y and email me a photo of these sentences written in your best handwriting.

I have a toy truck with yellow wheels.

I like to play with my younger brother.

Don't forget to write your letters on the line, and use finger spaces. 
If you would like more practise there is a handwriting long ladder letter sheet below. 

We are also going to now have a word of the day that we'd like you to practise reading and spelling! Write it on paper and display it around your house, challenge your family to spell it, and see if you can even spell it backwards! Learning these words will really help you with your super writing. 
Ok, today's word of the day is .....



Here is a video to consolidate our learning of addition using the 'make 10' strategy!

Spr1.3.2 - Add by making 10

If you find that easy, here are some more addition questions where you will need to count more than 10. Practise your making 10 strategy! laugh

If you find it tricky, don't worry it is another maths calculation skill to add to your toolbox - you might find another way of adding a lot easier and that's ok!


For Music today, we have a singing tutorial! There are more activities to explore on the webpage underneath the video if you would like to.cheeky

Can you remember the different instruments in an orchestra? Use the lesson below to remind yourselves.

Now scroll down to the listening music clip 'sailing by' and answer the questions.

Physical activity

Here is a challenge from the NHS Change for Life website. Can you ssssssssssssslither around an obstacle course?

Here is the list of activities if you would like to try out different ones.

See you this afternoon for our Zoom chat! 

Love, Mrs O'Connell Xx
