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**IMPORTANT** Please remember to apply suncream before your child comes to school and remember sun hats and water bottles.

Week 6

Hello R1 families!

Firstly, a big thank you to all you grown ups for your donations for the Christmas party. The children are going to have a well deserved, fun filled party with lots of yummy treats. Remember to wear your party clothes and dancing shoes! (Pleas could we ask that you make sure your child's clothing and footwear are suitable for playing out).


Well what a busy and creative week this has been!

We started our week by making our own Christingles. The children have been very attentive listening to what a Christingle represents for Christians. They have been fantastic at listening to and following instructions.


Have you managed to guess the songs that we will be singing for Carols in the Cold. This weeks song is Santa Clause is Coming to Town. The children have been practising singing these songs with Mrs Walkden and in class. You will be in for such a treat on Monday afternoon at our socially distanced Carols in the Cold. Our playground slot is 2:50-3:10.

This week during our dance session, the children have enjoyed dancing along to Christmas songs.

We have been busy cutting pictures of toys the children would like and sticking them onto a stocking image. We have been busy making Christmas treats for our families and we incorporated this into our maths and literacy learning. The children have made and decorated a Christmas tree and a wreath that they can hang up at home or on a tree. we have continued to practise our name writing and letter formation and have started to write a letter to Santa!

On Thursday we were very lucky to be able to take part in the Trafford Winter Musical Extravaganza. The children were given the opportunity to listen to some very talented musicians and also to sing along to the Winter Mambo song we had practised. In preparation for this the children made some fabulous crowns and shakers. We hope you enjoy the video!

- Winter Mambo

Next week is going to be a very festive week. Carols in the Cold on Monday (weather permitting), Panto time on Tuesday. We will be sharing the CBeebies panto in our classroom. The PFTA have kindly donated hot chocolate and popcorn for the children to enjoy whilst they are watching. Wednesday we will be having a Zoom Christmas quiz with Mrs Walkden and the other classes, and finally on Thursday we will finish the term with our Christmas party!!

Miss Edwards and I hope you enjoy our slideshow!

It was fantastic to see the children wearing their Christmas jumpers on Friday. Well, we only have one week let of our first term in Reception. The children have all been fantastic and Miss Edwards and I are extremely proud of they!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Spooner x
