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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

The Grand Re-opening Monday 8th March

Hello children


I wanted to write to you to say, we are on the countdown…….. 10 sleeps.  Yes – just 10 sleeps until the grand re-opening of our school and we cannot wait!


I cannot tell you how much we have missed your faces, your laughter, your enthusiasm, even your noise on the playground.  Yes, we even miss your cheering and shouting as the doors open and you all run into the playground at breaks.  We have missed every part of school life and are getting ready for the best reopening ever – shall I tell you what we have planned?

Monday, the first day back, has to be the best day ever, so we thought about the kind of things that we think that you will enjoy and can look forward to and so …… we booked Scootfit.  Have a look at their website for more information .  Scootfit will host class scooter parties so that you can scoot and play with your friends in the playground.  They will bring in 2 wheeled and 3 wheeled scooters and you can choose to scoot around with your friends having a catch up or learn tricks or stunts or simply enjoy the scooter disco. It’s your day so enjoy scootering in your own way!  Scootfit will provide helmets and cleaning services in between classes.

Plus, if your house has been anything like mine over the last few weeks, you will have all been getting up and eating at different times and coming back to school hours will be a bit tricky at first so we thought that you (to be honest, all of us) would really enjoy a ‘cake break’.  We have organised a mid-morning snack to keep you going.  You will be invited to a snack bar to come and choose a tasty snack to fill the gap before lunch.  There will definitely be something there for everyone!

The teachers have also had lots of other ideas for things that will make returning to school even more super, duper, special like postponing World Book Day to 26th March so that you can dress you and celebrate together, having a whole school Science Day, dance parties together in the playground, wake up shake up again as you come into school, games afternoons and these are all great ideas but then I stopped and thought for a moment.  This is your school and it is your return to school that we want to celebrate so really it is YOU that I need to be asking.  What would YOU like to do to celebrate coming back to school?

Have a think with your grown up at home, ring grandmas, grandads, aunties, uncles, cousins and have a think about what you think we could do at school to celebrate the grand re-opening of school and let me know.  If you think of something that we could do, send me your wish list in an email and I will try my best to make them happen.  (  I know that normally in school you come up with the wackiest, funniest ideas and I want to hear about them before we come back to school so that I can plan treat times for you everyone.  Obviously we cannot do them all on the first day back but I can get a plan together to keep the celebrations going! 

Being in lockdown really highlighted how very important schools are and we want to get it right.  We want you all to look forward to coming to school, excited for your lessons and enjoying your time here.  So our celebration of schools’ re-opening is not going to be a one-day event.  We are going to continue celebrating our school and our families coming together all year so if your idea is not put into action in week one, don’t worry – there are plenty of other weeks until the end of the summer!  The teachers have got the most exciting lessons ready for you but we know that happy children make happy learners and that’s what we want. 

Monday 8th March WILL be the very best day but so will the rest of the school year.  We will work together to make your school, our school, the best place to be.  So children, get thinking of things we can do in school, email me, shine your shoes, practise going to bed early and we will be there, ready and waiting in the playground to see you on Monday 8th March – THE VERY BEST DAY!  Just you wait and see

Take care and goodbye for now.  See you in 10 sleeps

Love from

Mrs Walkden
