Week ending 9th February
There has been lots of exciting things going on in class this week. As part of our Health and Well-Being Week we have been recognising emotions and thinking of ways to stay calm. We have also been using stories to help understand what things make us feel happy inside and how our behaviour affects others.
We have continued with learning about the history of aviation and this week learnt about Amy Johnson who flew solo to Australia. We looked at a video extract of her arrival in Australia and also thought about how difficult or scary it must have been to make the journey. In Maths we have started working with numbers to 50. We've counted backwards and forwards, practically put objects into groups of ten to make them easier to count. You may like to practise counting with your child during the holidays and there are games in the maths folder to help.
Finally, I just wanted to say what a fantastic start the children have made to learning their weekly spellings and thank you for your continued support. I have retained the spelling books over the holidays and will give them out again on Thursday 22nd February. I hope you all have a super rest in the half term holidays and I will see you back in school on Monday 19th February.
Miss Green
Week ending 2nd February
Hello everybody, there has been lots of learning in 1G this week.
In English we have been exploring the book, Journey, part of a trilogy of books by the author Aaron Becker. The children have been enthralled by it! As it is a wordless book, it has really captivated their imaginations as they try and be detectives and work out what story the author is telling just by using the illustrations. If you have a chance to lend this book when visiting the library or it’s sequels Quest and Return I highly recommend you should.
In History the children have enjoyed continuing to learn about the Pioneers of aviation who have led the way for us being able to travel to worldwide destinations from Manchester Airport. We learnt about local heroes John Alcock and Arthur Brown who made the first non-stop transatlantic flight.
In our DT we have continued with our work on structures learning how to join different shapes to each other. This has been a very popular activity and the children have enthusiastically used recycled boxes to be creative with but now we have run out of boxes! If anyone would like to donate any boxes, I think the children would appreciate it! We use small boxes (any shape) and tubes.
Also if any families have any black/ dark coloured jogging bottoms or leggings size 5-6/6-7 that are no longer needed, I would appreciate some for my spare uniform cupboard. Please hand to me on Monday morning. Many thanks.
Miss Green
Week ending 26th January
What a fun week we’ve had in school.
In our practical DT lessons, we have learnt about structures and how we can make them stable. We used newspapers and masking tape to see who could make the tallest (and most stable!) skyscraper. The children were enthusiastic and worked well as a team to problem solve and communicate effectively with each other to complete the task. Well done to everyone and you can see the different types of buildings that were constructed. Not an easy job with just newspaper and masking tape 😊!
In Maths we have continued with our addition and subtraction work this week focusing on subtraction. We used ten frames and counters or number lines to help us complete our work. Please, please can I ask you to practise counting backwards with your child (eg start at 25 and count back to 16. What number do you land on?) to help with their fluency and confidence. It would also help if they practised completing subtraction calculations at home, again, to help with fluency and confidence.
In English we have continued with our book Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers, using capital letters and full stops in our sentences and using the sentence conjunctions and or because. The children have made a real improvement since coming back from the holidays and even won a special award from Mrs Walkden!
Week ending 19th January
This week we have really enjoyed our History work, learning about the Wright brothers who invented the first passenger carrying, flying machine powered by an engine. We got to watch clips of different flying inventions that were not as successful as the Wright Brothers and the children thought they were hilarious! We created our own fact file posters about what we had learnt, working as a team deciding what will be written and how it would be presented.
In English we have been reading the story, Up and Down by Oliver Jeffers, about a Penguin who wanted to fly and what he did to make his dream come true. The children loved this book!
In Maths we have been revisiting subtraction this week. The children have been practising how to count back from the largest number to take away and get their answer or using equipment such as counters to help them. We have also used our number bonds to 10 and 20 to help calculate mentally. These skills will be revisited throughout the year but the children might like to continue practising at home or use the games in the folder above.
What an action-packed, busy week it’s been!
Tuesday 16th January
We had fun in the snow today!
Week ending 12th January
We have been enjoying our new topic, Up Up and Away!
This week we started our English work with some poetry and loved reading the humorous poems, On the Ning Nang Nong and Where Teachers Keep Their Pets. We even wrote our own poems based on them!
In History we have been learning about the Montgolfier brothers who invented the hot air balloon in France over 200 years ago. Our curriculum update will give you more information about the exciting things that we are going to be learning this half term.
In Geography and Science, we've been learning about the weather and recognising the different symbols shown on the weather forecast. We made a class rainfall gauge to record information about the weather over the next two weeks. If you would like to make your own rainfall gauge at home, I have put a link below.
In PE we have been focusing on our ball skills with Mr Shingler on a Friday and doing football on Thursday. This week we had an extra PE (thanks to the Year Two’s who were on a trip) and we got to do some cheerleading, which the children thoroughly enjoyed 😊.
Week ending 5th January
Welcome back to school everyone!
Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Thursday’s and Friday’s and the children can come to school in their PE kit on those days. Don't forget that earrings need to be removed for PE days.
We have started our new topic Up, Up and Away! and our Year One Curriculum Update will give you an overview of our learning for the half-term and some ideas of how you can help at home.
This week we have been doing lots of artwork exploring patterns, lines, shapes and space in their pictures. We looked at the work of artist and sculptor Joan Miro and made our own automatic drawings.