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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Wee k 2 Week Beginning 19th April

Hello to all our lovely Reception 2 families!

It has been such a lovely week in Reception 2! Helped along by the beautiful sunny weather that has put a spring in everyone's step! laugh

We have continued with our Wheel's, Wings and Other Things topic and the children are really absorbed and eager to find out about all things transport and journeys! 

We focused on transport that has wheels this week. We have each made a junk model car with wheels, windows and a reg plate and have followed careful instructions. We have written about the things that we see on our journey to school and explored, compared and contrasted cars and bikes old and new. We conducted a traffic survey of Howarth Street (safely behind the railings!) Together, we each created a tally of the amount of different types of traffic that pass outside our school in a timed period of 10 minutes. The children observed that it was a quiet time of the day and that the volume of traffic is different at the start and end of our school day.

In maths we have looked at number facts for 5 using 5 frames, part, part whole models and using number fact stories to develop problem solving skills with number. 

In phonics we are reading and writing Phase 4 words. Here is a link to parental guidance for parents about the learning that is undertaken in Phase 4 Phonics. (I am crossing my fingers that the link works!)

In handwriting we have added the challenge of paying attention to the ascenders (the tall part of the letter that goes up) and descenders (the part of the letter that hangs down)  in letters and we call this ground, grass, sky! 



One to one reading is going really well and I am so proud of the progress that your children are making despite of the interruptions to their learning this year. May I appeal to you that reading progress does come with practise and reading at home with you is a vital part of that progress. Remember to always make a note in your child's reading record when you have read with them please. 

May I remind everyone that your child needs a fresh bottle of water every day and that as the weather is getting warm that you provide your child with a sun hat. Adults at school are not allowed to apply sun cream to the children so if you feel sun cream is necessary please apply cream yourselves before school, thank you.

Next week is a hot meals week. The children really enjoyed their choice of ham, fish fingers or egg and chips on Friday! Our cooks are super stars and work hard to make the yummiest food! 

The zoom meetings for the Thursday Parent's Evening are full now. Anyone that hasn't yet requested a time slot will be allocated a telephone appointment on an alternative evening of that week. I will email you your zoom time in the next few days. I've honoured your requested times the very best I can and on a first come, first served basis. 

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend and that you enjoy the beautiful sunshine! I am so happy to share these photos are your gorgeous children enjoying their time at school! Mis Hodgson and I are so proud of them and we can't wait to see you all on Monday!


Mrs Cook x


