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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

W/b 27th September

Hello Reception 1 families

The weeks seem to be flying by! Your children continue to impress Miss Edwards and I. 


Education City is an educational website that we subscribe to and use in school. Your child has been given log in details so you can access the games we use in school to help your children with their learning. The log in details have been stuck inside the front cover of your child's yellow reading record book. When you log in, I have selected a game called Park Play which you will find in 'my city'. This is the came we played in class on Friday. Please let me know by email if you have any problems logging in.


So, this week the children have tried extremely hard with their phonics, we have introduced 't' and'p' this week. We have been listening to see where the sound is in a word and how to form the letters correctly. We even made letter shapes using playdough! This week we started our Guided Reading sessions. The children are handling the books correctly and turning pages, turn taking and listening to the suggestions and ideas of the rest of the group.


In maths we have been comparing numbers, heights and lengths. This has been approached in a practical way using objects and toys from within the classroom.


Continuing with 'It's Good To Be Me', we have talked about our families this week. Thank you very much to those who have either sent in a family photo or emailed it to me. The children have enjoyed looking at these and sharing them with their friends. It is not too late if you have not sent in a picture and would like, we will be happy to look at them next week.


The children are becoming eager to be able to fasten their coat by themselves and take off jumpers and cardigans independently. Could you please let them practise this whilst they are at home.


Luckily the rain held off on Friday afternoon to enable us to have our celebration assembly in the playground with the rest of the school. We have a new medal winner this week. It is Kleio!

Kleio has received the medal for being much more independent coming in to school and at lunch time. She tries hard with all the activities that she completes, she is a lovely kind friend and is much more smiley and confident in class. Well done Kleio!!


I would like to say thank you to the grown ups who are writing in their child's reading record book and ensuring that their reading folders are in their book bags daily. It is very much appreciated!

Please enjoy having a look at a few of the things we have been busy doing this week.


Just a few reminders.

Please ensure that coats, jumpers and cardigans are labelled with your child's name and please remember to send your child to school with a named water bottle filled with fresh water daily.


Thank you all for your patience and continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x
