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Week beginning 6th April 2020

Hi there Families!

Are you ready for some maths learning and fun? Well let's go!!!!


One More and One Less


We know how good you are at knowing one more and one less of a given number up to 20! This is something that our brains need to be reminded of though so it stays locked in there!


  • Write mixed up numbers to 20 spaced out randomly on the path outdoors, jump on a number and shout out the number that is one more and one less. 
  • Ask a grown up to say a number and you say the number that is one more and/or one less.
  • Try one of these written activities


Have you discovered Number Blocks on CBeebies? These cartoons are funny and are packed with great mathematical learning! Check them out!


The CBeebies Number Blocks website also has lots of on-line games and activities to enjoy yes


