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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Tuesday 2nd March

Tuesday 2nd March

Hello everyone!
This is a quick reminder that there are new tasks for this week on Education City in the 'homework' tab. We will continue to use this resource when we are in school so do let me know if you have lost your log in details. 
Also don't forget the Get Epic website is still there for you - you have read 74 books between you well done!


Let's start with today's phonics. Here is a video for you to check you know your phase 5 tricky words, and a video reminding you of the different ways to spell ay/ ai/ a_e.


Well done for writing your Handa's Surprise speech bubbles yesterday!
Today would you like to act out the story yourself? Now, I don't think you will have a real elephant or monkey at home to join in with so you will need to use your imagination! You could draw the animals, use soft toys, or just imagine they are there and you can imagine being Handa. If you have any fruit at home you can use that for the animals to pinch.

You could even ask someone at home to act the story out with you and you can be the narrator. This is the voice which tells us what is happening and you might start off saying 'One day, Handa took a basket of fruit to her friend Akeyo..' and act out what happens from there.
If you would like, a grown up at home could take photos of you re-enacting the story and send them to me today. laugh


Today's word of the day is                           through

Can you write this word in a different way other than on paper today? As it is a sunny day you could 'paint' it using water outside, or use shaving foam, sugar, sand, salt, or even icing to write it? Have a go at writing your trickiest tricky words in a different way today!


To start us off I would like to show you an online activity called Paint the Squares that is just for fun for you to play about with! smiley

Click on the link below and I will explain it to you!

In today's lessons we are learning about and comparing length and height.

Here are two videos which include short activities to do.

Topic - Science

As we have been reading Handa's Surprise, we thought you could use your senses today to investigate different types of fruit. Do you have any fruit at home that you haven't tried before or any that is a bit unusual? Today you can find out what they taste, smell, look and feel like. You can use the worksheet to write what they are like. (I have uploaded it as a Word document do you can edit it if needed, or use the blank one and draw your own fruit).

As an extension, you could make your own fruit salad or fruit kebabs with the fruit that you like. I would love to see your fruit investigation and fun today. 

Physical Activity

Here is the gymnastics lesson today. 

Or I think you'll like Mr Pumpernickel - in this video he is singing a song about money which we are yet to learn about in Year 1, but he is so funny and does some great counting, I think you'll enjoy joining in with him - I certainly did!

See you on Zoom tomorrow morning hopefully. 

Love, Mrs O'Connell Xx
