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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.


Hello Reception 2 Families


Are you ready to find out more about Spring? Well, let's get going!


Thursday's Topic Activities


Yesterday's weather was very changeable wasn't it? It was cloudy, sunny, windy, warm, cold and rainy! All in one day! Well, that is Spring for you!


Today we will find out more about spring weather.


Mrs Cook will guide you through an information PowerPoint which is all about different kinds of weather...


A very long, long time ago a famous musical composer called Vivaldi wrote a piece of music called 'The Four Seasons.'  This is the part that he wrote that was called 'Spring'. Have a listen, does it remind you of different kinds of spring weather?


Vivaldi - Spring

Perhaps you could draw a spring weather picture whilst you listen to the music? Remember...

Rainbows! Sunshine! Rain! Wind! Clouds! Lightening!


Thursday's Literacy Activities


Look at the picture below. It is a photo of a beautiful spring day! Look at the photo and write 2 sentences about it. Use your phase 2 and 3 phoneme mats to help you find the sounds that you hear and spell the words that you want to write. Use finger spaces too! 


Thursday's Phonics Activities


Say these phonemes nice and clearly to your child and ask them to write, from memory,  the letters that represent them...


ch  sh  th  ng  ai  ee  igh  oa  oo or


Ask your child to write 2 headings on a piece of paper or white board like this...


ai                                 ee


Read these words out loud and ask your child to write them under the correct heading


week  wait  peep  main  teeth  paint  been  tail


Play Tricky Word Quick Write

Say a Tricky word for your child to write from memory. Choose the Tricky Word set that is appropriate for your child. Here are the sets...



Play Tricky Word Countdown

Place a set, sets or all the Tricky Words in front of your child to read in a given time.


Thursday's Maths Activities


Time for warming up our brains!


Count the springtime pictures and say how many. Remember! To count accurately we touch then count slowly and carefully.


Grownups, no need for a print off here. Your child can count the objects on the screen and write the total on a piece of paper.




Let's recap what the + sign is...

Addition: Plus Sign

Let's recap what the = sign means...

Equal Sign

Can you make an addition or plus sign with your arms?

Can you write an addition or plus sign?


Can you make an equals sign with your arms?

Can you write an equals sign?


It may take a bit of practise to get it right!

Try to solve these spring themed picture addition problems. There's a link to the worksheet below if you'd like to print it off.



You're doing a super job yes

Thursday's Physical Challenge


Do the Drip Drop Rain Dance!

Time for a story!

How the Crayons Saved the Rainbow

Thank you for a lovely day everyone. See you tomorrow!

Mrs Cook x
