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Reminder School Closes Thursday 24th October at 3pm. We welcome all pupils back on Monday 4th November 2024

Week 6

Hello Reception,

I just wanted to jump onto your class page to say thank you for another Fun Friday, Reception!  Today we celebrated the end of another great week for the children (and staff) in Reception, creating crispy cakes.  The children are working so hard and settling into school life and I thoroughly enjoy being part of their treats on a Friday!

Thank you

From Mrs Walkden

Well week 6 has been a blast.   As it is ‘Black History Month’ in Trafford we decided to  combine this, along with Harvest and this weeks topic focus ‘our senses’ by making a delicious vegetable soup, using some very unusual vegetables.  We enjoyed chopping and peeling these together.  We also had fun using our sense of smell in a guess the content smelling test.  We had some funny answers to the small of garlic.

The children were very good at describing and guessing the object in the feely bag game.  We played a listening game , which was very funny.

Best of all we got to use our sense of taste to try our delicious soup. Some children described it as delicious, while others weren't too keen.

In maths this week the children have learnt about capacity and had some fun estimating how many children would fit in the big box.  We have also engaged in lots of work on patterns.

Our new sounds this week are g and o.  The children have practised writing these and finding words that have these sounds at the beginning.  We are also working hard on blending all the sounds we know to make words.  We are becoming very confident with this skill.

We have had great fun, joining in with the nursery children during outdoor provision too!

This week, we were very proud to pass the medal onto Georgina.  Georgina is such an enthusiastic little girl, who is always first to try any new things set out both in the classroom and in our outdoor area. She is also a very kind, caring member of our class.  Well done Georgina!


On Monday morning, we will be collecting any unpaid reception fund.  It is £7 for this half term.  We would be very grateful if any parents who haven't paid can bring it into school on Monday.  The fund enables the children to have lots of lovely enhancements added to their weekly learning.

May I thank you all again for your continued support with reading at home. 

I can hardly believe that we only have one more week left of this half term.  It has been an absolute pleasure to watch your children grow in confidence and to see their individual personalities coming through.

I hope you enjoy looking at out photographs from this weeks fun in R1.  

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Edwards
