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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 4

Hello R2 Families

We have had an enjoyable week in R2. The weather has been kind to us (on some days!) and we have loved spending time outside with friends in R1 and the Nursery.

We have been talking about special people this week. The children speak so fondly of their loved ones and we have been drawing family pictures, which are on the wall looking lovely alongside our self-portraits. 




In our topic work next week we will talk about our homes, different kinds of homes and we'll look at what goes where in the different parts of our homes. We'll continue as we have into our phonics scheme, learning the new phonemes 'i' (so many of the children have recognised this letter as a 'j')  and 'n' (always a tricky sound that so easily gets mixed up with 'm'.) In maths we will begin to look at size and find out all about measuring capacity.


Thank you everyone for engaging so brilliantly with our Floppy's Phonics homework. Your support at home will make a huge difference to your child's progress in their phonics/reading journey.


Have an ace weekend everyone and enjoy the photo slide show below for a peek at what we've been up to...


Mrs Cook x x x x
