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Welcome back! We hope you all had a fantastic break. PLEASE NOTE THAT SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHS TUESDAY 8TH OCTOBER 2024

Autumn 1

Wednesday 18th October

Thank you to everyone who managed to come to our Harvest celebration. The children really enjoyed performing their songs for you and we hope you enjoyed it to!


As the half term holidays are fast approaching, we wondered if the children would like to carry on being scientists and see what different trees they can spot when they are out and about next week. There are some handy ID sheets below to help you.

We just wanted to say that the children have really grown this half term and have settled well into the routines of Year One. We are so proud of them and their achievements. We hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and we will see you back in school on Monday 30th October.


Miss Green

Monday 16th October

We took the opportunity to go on a mid-morning walk this morning to Victoria Park to discover which trees grow in our local area. We collected leaves to help us identify the trees and sorted them when we got back to school. The children listened well to the adults and we all had a wonderful time!

Week beginning 9th October

Another busy week of learning in 1G 😊

In English we have been exploring the fable, Town Mouse and Country Mouse. The children have looked at the different settings and written sentences about how the characters felt at different parts in the story. We have been working on using correct letter formation and writing sentences using capital letters and full stops. We have also linked our Geography work to this finding out the differences between a village, town and city.


In Maths we have been finding out the addition facts for our numbers up to 10, using the part-whole model. We have used lots of practical resources to help but some children have found this concept tricky (working out the four sums, known as number sentences) and may need some extra practise at home. This video below will explain what a fact family is.

Addition Fact Families (within 10)

We have also been busy practising our singing and getting ready for our Harvest Festival which is on Wednesday next week. We hope to see you there!

Week Beginning 2nd October

Well, what a busy active week it has been!

We had a visit from Stretford Children’s Theatre and went on a magical adventure.


We did some work using the part whole model in maths.

We enjoyed our walk around Stratford using our field work skills to read and follow a map. We looked at how the land and different buildings are used in the locality, spotting the shops, the Public Hall, old and newer houses, flats, the old cinema and the park. The children behaved beautifully listening well to the adults, great work 1G!

Week Beginning 25th September

What a super week of learning 1G have had!

This week we started our new story, This is the bear and enjoyed learning more about the characters using drama and writing sentences about how the characters were feeling at different parts of the story. We have been working on using the correct letter formation and writing sentences using capital letters and full stops.

In maths we have been focusing on comparing 2 numbers. We have been practising the vocabulary of greater than, less than and is equal to. The children enjoyed comparing numbers and putting numbers in order from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest. If you would like some more practise at home, there is a link in the games folder.


Over the past two weeks we have been looking at pets in Science, finding out what is the most popular pet in 1G and sorting the animals into groups according to their similarities. In Design Technology, we have been learning about where food comes from and which parts of a plant we eat as food (root, stem, leaves, flower, fruit). The children have been enthusiastically taking part realising which part of a plant they have been eating as a vegetable or fruit. Well done 1G 😊


Next week we are hoping to go on a walk around the local area (weather permitting) to look at the use of buildings in the local areas, as part of our Geography work.

Week Beginning 18th September

We have had a super week together this week, even though the weather was a but rainy ☹. In English we have looked at nursery rhymes, learnt how to identify rhyming words and made our own rhyming couplets. In maths we’ve been counting forwards and backwards, finding one more and one less than a number and used this to find missing numbers in sequences. Some children are still finding counting backwards a little tricky so some additional practise at home would be useful.


This week we have been geographers thinking about where we live, identifying what town, city and Street we live on. We have learnt about addresses and post codes and found out how a letter reaches its destination. As homework we wondered if you could help your child find out what number and road/ street they live on and maybe take a short walk up and down the road to see how houses and buildings are numbered on the different sides of the road. Some children may even want to learn their post code as well!


We are continuing to enjoy our choosing time where we get to play together, practise skills, share ideas and equipment and can chat with our friends 😊

We just wanted to say a big thank you to all those children (and parents who helped them) complete their homework. The written sheet and reading homework are an important part of the children’s phonics learning which provides additional opportunities for children to consolidate the learning they have done in class as well as practise their segmenting and blending skills. With the scheme there are also resources that can be used at home to support your child’s phonics learning. Click on the link below, then use the student tab.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Week beginning 11th September

It's been a super week in 1G!

The children have settled well into Year One and are becoming more familiar with the routines. The children have really enjoyed learning lots of new things. We have been learning how to represent numbers on a ten frame in Maths, doing some colour mixing in Art, thinking about the things we pass on the way to school in Geography and also enjoyed our first PE lesson as Year One’s! Keep up the good work 1G smiley

Next week

As Mrs Walkden's emailed update stated, our Meet the Teachers meeting will be on Wednesday 20th September. It will start at 3.45pm in the main hall. It will be a talk from the teachers about the Year 1 curriculum, and a chance to put faces to the names. Please make childcare arrangements for your child(ren), as it is a meeting just for parents and carers this time. We are looking forward to seeing you if you can make it (please don't worry if you can't).

The Year One Team 

Week beginning 4th September

The children have settled well into the routines of Year One and it has been lovely to see all their smiling faces in the morning. They have really enjoyed being with all their friends again after the summer holidays and have loved learning and playing together this week in the sunshine. So if anyone has come home and told you that they did nothing this week at school… then we’re sure you will enjoy the photographs below.

PE will be Tuesday's and Thursday's this half-term starting next week (Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th). Children can come to school ready in their PE clothes on those days. Don't forget earrings need to be removed for PE days. Finally, please bare with us as we are still hearing the children read and will be sending home their reading books next week.


We will be available in the playground before and after school if you have any questions. As you may not be aware of who's who in the playground, here is a link to the Key Stage One staff page.

Mrs Hermans is looking forward to seeing the children on Friday and I can't wait to see you all on Monday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, Miss Green
