Week 6
This week has been packed with lots of Easter fun. We hope you liked your Easter wall hanging and the crispy cakes your child made. We have taken part in an Easter Egg Hunt and also went along to the Easter Raffle assembly- where we had some lucky winners!
We have been busy adding the finishing touches to our fairy gardens. The children have observed the cress growing and the difference between a pot that got lots of sunshine and one that got less. Once they have fully sprouted you can eat the cress!Enjoy!
In our outdoor area we went on an Easter Egg Number Hunt, which was inspired by our story "We're Going on an Egg Hunt".
Have a lovely Easter and a well-deserved break!
Mrs Dempsey
Week 5
In Nursery this week we have enjoyed learning about Easter. We watched a short video about how this festival is celebrated by Christians. We have enjoyed dressing up and hopping like the Easter Bunny!
We had an egg-themed maths activity this week where we had to match the numicon to the correct numeral. Please read the information below about Numicon.
In our outdoor area we have been creating our fairy gardens-using compost and cress seeds.
Thank you to all the parents that attended parents' evening this week, and to those of you that are coming this week I look forward to chatting to you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Week 4
This week we have been creating independent paintings of daffodils and to celebrate St Patrick's Day we tried our hand at shamrocks too!
On our writing table children created marks to show Bessie Belle what they would wish for. The children have been exploring 3D shapes on the maths table- through play we have identified which shapes roll and those that don't.
We hope you liked your Mother's Day card and were impressed with your child's art skills and name writing. We have been practising a special song...
Week 3
This week we have been drawing spring flowers that have popped up in our Nursery garden. We talked about the names of the different flowers, and noticed the difference in colours and shapes.
We have been busy labelling 2D shapes- working hard to form letter shapes and we are beginning to listen to initial sounds in words.
Outdoors we have enjoyed our new mud kitchen extension where we have been making mud cakes and soup! Indoors we have enjoyed our new beebots that have arrived and we are using them in the provision, daily.
In literacy we have also started our new key text- Freddie and the Fairy. This is an amazing story which explore the issue of hearing loss. Please listen to the text again with your child.
Week 2
This week we have been very busy helping to wash the baby clothes in the water tray. We used soap and rinsed them thoroughly before pegging them out to dry.
On Monday we had a music lesson where we got to experiment with lots of different percussion instruments- it was a very noisy band! The children also had to copy different rhythms that were played to them- they were amazing at doing this.
We really enjoyed World Book Day. We had some delicious hot chocolate and biscuits. We listened to some favourite stories- including mine, which is Toddle Waddle. Please click below to listen to this story again.
Week 1
In Nursery this week we have been listening to our new key text- Matisse's Magical Trail. If you would like to listen to this story with your child please watch the video below-
The children have been busy creating their own snail shells using 2D shapes to create beautiful spiral shapes.
We have also had a street dance session this week, which was so much fun!
We enjoyed pancakes on Tuesday- choosing our favourite toppings from chocolate spread, jam, honey and lemon and sugar. We enjoyed flipping pancakes outdoors- even though a few of them were stolen by the cheeky birds!
We have also been busy working on our mud kitchen and it was great to have some very keen helpers!
Have a lovely weekend!