Hello Reception 1 families!
Well what can I say, another week has whizzed by with your fantastic children continuing to WOW Miss Edwards and I! I can't believe it is the start of December next week! So, lets see what the children have been busy learning this week and what fun they have had.
The children are really trying their best to practise writing their names with the letters correctly formed and the correct size, and forming numbers 1-10 correctly. At the bottom of the page I will add a copy of how to form letters and numbers correctly for you to have a look at. If your child enjoys writing at home, please could we ask that you encourage them to try to form the letters and numbers correctly by using the example attached.
We have been continuing to practise and learn new sounds in our phonics and the children are beginning to use their phonic knowledge to segment and blend sounds to read small words. They have been matching words to pictures and writing words to go with pictures. It is great to see the children becoming more confident with their own abilities and watching them 'have a go' at writing down the sounds that they can hear in words.
In our maths this week we have been continuing to develop our understanding of numbers 1-10. The children have made their own number books, recognised numerals and have been writing numbers and drawing to correct amount to match the number. They are more confident with ordering numbers to 10/20 and are now doing this with the flashcards during their play.
Following on from reading Anna Hibiscus' Song, we have talked a great deal about our feelings, what and who makes us happy and who we love. The children have made I Love You cards this week and they have put a lot of thought into drawing themselves with the person they love and having a go at writing a message inside the card. The children showed us how very caring they are and were able to explain to others how their family makes them feel happy and loved.
In PE this week we listened to a few different pieces of African music. Whilst listening to the music the children thought about how the music makes them feel and how it makes them want to move their bodies. We have got some great movers in R1!
Once again, Miss Murray was really pleased with the children's behaviour and engagement during the dance session.
** Please could I ask that the children come to school wearing joggers/leggings, pumps/trainers on Tuesday and Wednesday, starting next week as these are our PE days **
Enjoy the slideshow of some of the fun from this week.
In class we talked about the different physical activities we can do. You will see a few pictures in the slideshow showing balancing on one leg, curling in to a ball, star jumps etc. Next week we will be making a class book called 'Look What I Can Do!'
Celebration assembly was in the playground on Friday. The children enjoying dancing to the songs, signing happy birthday and finding out who is the medal winner. Our medal winner was Sarah this week for all her hard work, being happy and polite and always trying her best with all activities. Well done Sarah!
Starting next week, we are going to have a guess the Christmas song activity. Each week on the Monday we will put up a picture in our classroom window, created by the children, for you to guess the song. At the end of the week on Friday we will put the title in the window so you can see if you guessed correctly. The first picture will be in the window on Tuesday next week. Make sure you pass our window and have a look.
As the grown ups are unable to come in to school at the moment, we thought you might like to see a few displays of work from our classroom. The Celebrations display is being built up throughout the term. Who Makes You Happy is a picture drawn by each child of themselves and the person who makes the happy. The children explained why that person makes them happy. I am sure you will agree that there are some fantastic drawings!
I have sent home, stuck in the inside cover of your children's yellow reading record book, login details for Education City. This is an educational website that school have subscribed to for you to access at home. When you log in, if you go to the cities page and then homework, I have put an activity for the children to complete called Bon-Go Go Go! Please let me know next week if you have any problems. Have fun!
We will also be having a 'Glam Up Friday!' this week (Friday 4th December) to get us in the festive spirit - your child can wear a party outfit, or whatever makes them happy!
I hope I have not overloaded you with info this week, but I just want to keep you up to date with what is happening in school. As the children are continuing to develop their independence, Miss Edwards and I would like to ask you if you could help your child learn to fasten their coat. They are desperate to be able to fasten it themselves, because that means they get to go outside to play quicker than the children waiting in the que to have help fastening their coat. Miss Edwards and I would like to thank you for your continued support and to say you are doing a great job getting the children to school every day in these very crazy times!
Have a super weekend. Take care and keep safe
Mrs Spooner x