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Summer 2

WOW! What a fantastic year it has been having your children in Reception 1.

It has been a pleasure to teach them and watch them flourish and progress. We are super proud of them all.

Thank you for the kind words in cards and gifts. Miss Edwards and I really appreciate it.

We hope you all have an amazing summer and Mrs O'Connell will be glad to see you join 1C on Tuesday 3rd September.

We hope you enjoy looking through some of the trip photos.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

Sunny Week 6 



Week 2


We have made the most of the sunshine this week! We have spent lots of time outdoors and we have been very busy in our shelter  creating beautiful oil pastel fish with Mrs Al-Noah.


We enjoyed our football session with the external coaches- there were lots of instructions to listen to and we tried hard to play as team.

Week 1


Welcome back! We have had a lovely week and it has been great to welcome the children back for their last half-term in Reception. This week has seen us join Key Stage 1 at playtimes. This will help us with our transition into Year 1.


We have been using our phonic knowledge to write independently- we have been very impressed with the effort the children put in.


In maths we have been making patterns and writing numerals. In P.E we really enjoyed our session with Mr Shingler- it was a little more high-tempo than the yoga we enjoyed!