Wednesday 23rd October
What a fantastic last 2 weeks we've had for this half term!
Last week we walked around Victoria Park on a science trip. The children (and helpers!) were so well behaved and really enjoyed it. We looked at the different parts of trees, as well as identifying the trees that the leaves had fallen from. We collected autumn finds and sorted them when we got back into the classroom. When you are out and about next week please ask your child if they can find deciduous or evergreen trees.
Thank you to all who were able to come to the Harvest Festival today! The children enjoyed it and sang beautifully, we are all so proud! WELL DONE!
This week we have also been busy practising addition up to 20. Please see our maths games folder or Education City if you would like to do some addition practise over the half term break.
We have read the book Farmer Duck and we have started to learn how to code using the Scratch Jr app for our computing work. We are working through the groups so there are a few children who will be first to have a turn when we return after the break. I've added a link underneath if you would like some steps to follow if you use Scratch JR at home.
*Don't forget Friday 25th October is an INSET day just for staff so Thursday 24th is the children's last day and we will see you when school reopens on Monday 4th November.
*Look our for an emailed booking link for Parent's Evening. They will be sent out at 12.00 on Friday 25th October.
*Library day is Wednesday for our class. We only had a few children ready to change their library books today so this is a reminder to send the books back in on Wednesday 6th November and we can make the most of our school library.
Thank you for all your support, the children have settled in beautifully and I can't wait for the next busy half term. Enjoy a well deserved rest.
Mrs O'Connell x
Week ending 11th October 2024
Thank you everyone for sending in recycling and newspapers for our DT/ junk modelling. We are having fun trying out different join techniques, and making stable structures and bridges.
In English we have been reading the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, and in Maths we have learnt all about the part whole model. We are practising number bonds to numbers 5-10. Here are some activities online if you'd like extra practise at home.
It was so lovely to bump into those of you who came to the disco on Friday!
Next week we have a science walk around the park, and the week after we have our Harvest Festival on Wednesday 23rd October. Lots to look forward to.
Year One Fund plea!
School fund money is such a valuable fund that is used for many varied treats throughout the year. We ask parents to support school fund and make a voluntary donation of £1 per week via Parent Pay. You can pay weekly, termly or annually, whichever is best for you and we are very grateful.
Education City
Did you know that we have a school Education City account? Please help us to make the most of this resource. Look out for log ins in book bags/ reading records and use the search feature to explore games and activities to support phonics, maths, and science. Homework may also be assigned on Education City by your teachers so be sure to check the class pages.
Thank you! Mrs O'Connell 🙂 xx
Friday 4th October.
We had a fantastic time on our walk around Stretford yesterday and learnt lots of interesting facts about our local area. The children were so well behaved, I was so proud of them!
A special thank you to all the adults that volunteered to help on the walk.
Miss Ryde.
Thursday 26th September
Thank you to all those who came to the meeting on Tuesday, it was lovely to meet you all! Please find the information from the presentation below. The handouts have gone home in reading folders this week for those who couldn't make it.
Our library volunteer is on holiday this week so unfortunately the children haven't been able to change their library books, we will resume this on Wednesday next week.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to in the last couple of weeks: using our senses to identify flavours in science, finding rhyming words in our English lessons, and investigating different types of joins in DT.
We have also introduced two class texts - Oi Frog! and This is the Bear.
Now, I have a favour to ask. Next week in DT the class will be investigating how to make a stable structure, so we need donations of any newspapers you have lying around at home, as well as cardboard tubes and small cardboard boxes for our junk modelling area.
Newspaper is needed for Monday/Tuesday next week, and the boxes/tubes for the next few weeks up until the half term break please. Any donations will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you! Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs O'Connell x
Thursday 19th September.
Just to let you know, a letter has gone home tonight in your child's school bag requiring permission to take your child out of school on our two local area walking trips. The trips are planned to support your child's learning of the Geography and Science curriculum and they will take place in October. Please sign and return the slip at the bottom.
If you would like to volunteer to help and are available on Thursday 3rd October (9am - 10.30am) and/or Tuesday 15th October morning (weather permitting), please speak to myself or Mrs O'Connell.
Next week:
Don't forget our 'Meet the Teacher' meeting will take place on Tuesday 24th September at 3.30pm in 1C’s classroom. It will be great to see as many parents as possible, to let you know al about what happens in Year 1. Please make childcare arrangements for your child, as the meeting is just for parents and carers this time.
We look forward to seeing you.
Miss Ryde.
Friday 13th September
What a busy week! We have been learning about numbers to 10, working hard on our letter formation, and we also enjoyed our first PE lessons as Year 1s! Please ensure earrings are removed for PE lessons and sports clubs, thank you!
At the end of the week we started wax rubbings as part of our art work.
We have sent reading books and homework out today in book bags. Please see the HOMEWORK folder at the top of the page for more information. With out Floppy's Phonics reading scheme there are also resources that can be used at home. Click on the link below, then use the student tab.
Username: year1sryde password: VictoriaPark
Here is the autumn 1 newsletter so you can find out what we have planned for this half term.
As you may not be aware of 'who's who' in the playground, here is a link to our Key Stage One staff page.
If you are interested to find out what the children have for lunch the menu is below. We are on Week 3 next week.
We have also begun our library sessions. The children will have the opportunity to swap their books each week, usually on a Wednesday with our school library volunteer. Please return the library books in book bags each week.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs O'Connell x
Week ending 6th September
The children have had a fantastic start to Year One, being with friends and settling in to their new classroom routines. We have talked and written about our families, and shared news about our summer holidays. We have practised counting, sang songs, read stories, and explored the resources in our classroom.
Miss Ryde and I are hearing the children read at school and will send home their reading books next week. We are available in the playground before and after school if you have any questions.
PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half term starting next week (Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th). Children can come to school ready in their PE clothes on those days. Don’t forget earrings need to be removed for PE days.
Mrs O'Connell - Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
Miss Ryde - Thursdays, Fridays
Tuesday 3rd September
Hello everyone! What a SUPER first day in 1C we have had. The children have enjoyed getting to know the classroom and seeing their friends again. I cannot wait for tomorrow!
Just to let you know PE will start next week and our PE days will be TUESDAY and THURSDAY.
Thank you, Mrs O'Connell xx