Thank you to those who attended the Meet the Teacher meeting on Wednesday after school. It was great to see so many faces!
This week we have introduced the sounds t and p in phonics and the homework sheets have been given to consolidate this learning.
This week in maths the children have been sorting, creating sorting rules and comparing amounts.
In PE on Friday with Mr Shingler, the children played team games to help develop their throwing and catching skills. Maybe you could practise this at home with your child.
Thank you for your continued support with with helping your child practise their sounds and blending and for commenting in the yellow reading record books.
Another thank you for the family photos that you have sent in!
Don't forget to send in to school WOW moments telling us what your child has been doing at home. We enjoy sharing them.
I hope you all enjoy looking at the photos and have a lovely weekend.
Take care
Mrs Spooner x