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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 3

Hello R2 Families!

What a lovely week 3 it has been! The children are continuing to settle happily and make friends. We have been super busy! In maths we have been matching and sorting and explaining our sorting criteria. We have begun the Floppy's Phonics scheme and have learnt the 's' and 'a' phonemes. We have got our topic 'Getting to Know You and Getting to Know Me!' underway. We have talked about how we are all unique and special and we have shared our similarities and differences. We shared a lovely book called 'Marvellous Me!'from our PSHE, Think Equal scheme. In it, we saw how great our unique looks and qualities are. We talked about our beautiful shades of skin and hair colour. We went on to begin to paint our self portraits, looking carefully in the mirror at and describing our facial features. We have enjoyed the lovely autumn sunshine and have enjoyed having fun together outside. It has been lovely sharing your WOWs from home, keep them coming and do ask if you need more. Please don't forget, it is the Meet the Teacher meeting on Wednesday 25th Sept at 4pm in the R2 classroom. You will find this meeting so very helpful, so please do your very best to attend. Please don't forget to keep an eye out for e-mails from school, this is our main way of communicating most important info with you.

A big well done to your little people for being so great!

Enjoy your weekends and enjoy some gorgeous photos in the slideshow below!

Mrs Cook xxx
