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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

2F - Mrs Gill

PE days next half term will be Tuesday and Thursday 

Friday 20th December

This week we watched the production of Dick Whittington and loved the Christmas party. The children looked amazing and were such good sports playing games having fun. Here are some photos from the last week at school. 

Wow what an amazing Christmas play. I’m so proud of the children their speaking parts were fabulous and what amazing acting. 
We took some photographs of the children in 2F in costume we hope you like them. 


If you are unsure about your child's homework please give me a phone call or catch me in the playground before school. Every child is given individual bespoke homework to support their current assessments and targets. The children have been given verbal instructions about homework which in itself prepares them for key stage 2. Spelling book return day is Monday and this has remained unchanged since the beginning of term. The day to return any maths homework set is Friday. There may be some occasions when spelling or maths homework is not set. We only send homework if we feel it will be beneficial or the child needs to practice or for rehearsal of skills.


You will find a written note in the children's reading diaries to inform you of your child's individual target in comprehension with a set of printed comprehensions to do at leisure. This comprehension booklet is to replace the Floppy phonics worksheets we have now completed.


  I will be updating reading ages in every child's book this half term so you are aware of progress made.  We recommend 10/15 minutes reading per day and comprehension is an important part of reading so a sheet could used as a daily home read.


Thank you for your continued support the children are making very good progress.               

6th December 2024

As we enter into this busy time the children are busy with Christmas productions and activities as well as term one assessments.

For some children as we have completed the Floppy phonics scheme we move onto more emphasis on comprehensions. You may notice that as your child finishes the end of the phonics scheme I have written an individual note into their reading record book to explain about comprehension homework. To save photocopying each week you will have received a collection of very short comprehensions. We encourage the children to read the text themselves and to try and answer the questions themselves. Each one should take 10 minutes and this is similar to the phonic sheets previously completed.

Maths homework is issued on Fridays and should be returned each Friday. Spellings as always are handed in every Monday.


PE has stopped as the stages are up and the hall is out of action. The children have been asked to come in trainers as we are using every opportunity to do outdoor PE when the weather allows. When clubs stop in school PE will do as well.


The children are busy working hard with joining up handwriting in school joining the letters a, c, i, e u and d.

We are well into our Great Fire of London topic and have explored materials in science and their properties.         


Rehearsals are going well and we look forward to the exciting play Baubles.

Make sure you order your tickets this week and be sure to ask your child on the day where they are sitting in the hall as the children in Year 2 are across the back of the hall in a line.


This week we are concentrating on division in maths and sharing into groups.

In English we are writing about changes in houses and fire engines since 1666 when the Great Fire occurred.

We have been looking at the landmarks in modern London through the eyes of Paddington and William Whiskerson the ever exploring mouse.

Class 2F have been making a wish list of new toys they would like to purchase using our sponsor money from the Sponsored santa dash. All children who complete the dash will receive a medal.          


Homework this week will be spellings continuing on from your child's own spelling list. Mixed maths sheets will be given too  

Mr Shingler PE


This week we have been exploring the Great Fire of London and we had a visiting theatre company in to bring the Great fire of London to life.

The children enjoyed the show and were able to shout out the facts they knew to the actors.

It is a very interesting topic and we have been exploring the materials used in 1666. We watched magic grandad Samuel Pepys and wrote our own diary entry.

In maths we have continued to explore multiplication.

No spelling homework this week.

This is our last week of PE with the outside provider staff.          

The great fire of London show

7 and 14th November 2024

This week we took a look at Remembrance day and discussed poppies and how we remember. We looked at life as a soldier in the war and the conditions in which they live. We wrote a letter home and described the conditions.

We also completed bonfire safety rules and Firework safety posters. We completed some chalk pictures using reds oranges and yellows to represent both bonfires and the Great fire of London.

In maths we have completed money counting in multiples and have started multiplication.    

Well earned golden time

18th October

The children are busy preparing for harvest festival and we have been practising our songs and poems. We have been writing acrostic poems using the word harvest and have written about what harvest means to lots of different people.

In maths we have been looking at money and using coins to make different amounts of money. the children have been exploring different ways of making 50p and £1 and have been looking at methods to help us calculate lots of different ways. 

In science we have produced our own lifecycle of humans and butterflies.

The children are really enjoying the dance aspect of PE and have improved their attention to detail and listening skills as well as producing a complicated dance about travel to space.

We have been enjoying art and design and have been producing pastel portraits and clay model portraits.     

We have introduced as part of our golden time an apparatus PE session which the children are thriving from. They have really increased their confidence and we will be ready to introduce judo later in the year.

Please enjoy the apparatus photographs.         

11th October 2024

**Education City**

Did you know that we have a school Education City account? Please help us to make the most of this resource. Look out for log ins in book bags/ reading records and use the search feature to explore games and activities to support phonics, maths, and science. Homework may also be assigned on Education City by your teachers so be sure to check the class pages. 

Thank you! Mrs O'Connell ðŸ™‚ (Year One class teacher/ Computing subject lead)

4th October 2024

Wow! We are the best class in school this week for using our manners and behaving with the smartest behaviour around school. On Wednesday we have won dinner with Mrs Walkden and we will be sitting on a golden table at lunch time altogether. We won a grand total of 27 tokens given out for amazing behaviour.

The children have been learning about doubles and halves in class and we have been practising our mental maths and I will be giving the children certificates for every bit of success they have in maths. Please continue to work hard on the counting in multiples. It really does make the times tables work which we will be shortly moving onto much easier. This week to enhance the homework I have given the children a dice and some fun games.

I can't wait for you to see the progress the children are making in writing. This week we have continued with our traditional tales topic and Red Riding Hood.

  Please continue to work hard on the spellings at this time of the year I will be sending individual spellings so that every child is tackling words to help them improve. The more spellings they know the easier they find writing tasks as they are not having to phonetically build words.

Our current topic is Manchester and Stretford but we will shortly moving onto London. Please have a look on maps and see what sights in London you can spot. If you have been to London and have a photograph please can you send it in!

In PE we have been learning a dance and have been working on team building games in PE. From next week on Wednesday afternoon we will be participating in relax kids program and some apparatus PE using the climbing frames. Please ensure that your child has leggings or jogging bottoms on but for this they can wear uniform top.          


This has been an exciting week and we had a visit from Blue watch from Stretford fire station. I’ve popped on a photo real of the day.
In maths we have continued with place value and ordering numbers. We have also looked at adding on a single digit to a 2 digit number. 
In English we began our sub topic of traditional tales and started a new phonic book. 
Reading is individual and you may notice that your child will now start to bring home quite a selection of different books and schemes. For some children they have reached the end of phonic books so may have a comprehension exercise to complete instead. 
Spellings will be mostly tested on Mondays. The children will have a week to learn as many of the listed words as they can and these will be individual to the child. We are helping each child to learn the spellings that they find difficult. 
Some words may be taken directly from your  child’s own writing in class. 
Our new topic is in full swing. We are enjoying learning about Emmeline Pankhurst and Lowry. 
The children are enjoying playground buddy bibs and the new toys in the playground. 

Autumn 1 newsletter

Hello and welcome to 2F!

It has been a pleasure getting to know the children so far this week. We've spent time in class getting used to routines and generally settling in to Year 2 life. The class have written about their holidays and themselves and looked at different ways of partitioning numbers in Maths. We looked at living things in science and spent some time playing games in the hall with equipment. 

In terms of books and home reading, the children's books have been given out this week and will be changed regularly. All children will have a phonics book as well as their regular reading book while we complete our school phonics scheme. Children should make sure to bring their reading folders in each day and put them in the reading slots outside of the classroom. Please encourage the children to read for ten minutes per night.

On Monday the children will be given their spelling books. Spelling books should be returned every Monday morning.  Every Monday/Tuesday I will provide the children with their own spellings to learn for a short spelling test on the following Monday.  Maths homework will be given each week starting on Friday next week. This may be written or a game on line. This term we are concentrating on counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s extending to 3’s and recall of doubles and halves to 20.

PE will be on Monday (Dance) and Fridays (Mr Shingler) this half term. I will be available on the playground before and after school most days if you have any queries. 

I will be updating this page weekly always at the weekend before Sunday with news about the learning we have done in class as well as any relevant information for the following week.

Finally, my email address I will do my best to respond within 48 hours to any emails.


Mrs Gill
