Our last week of the half term saw us making potions in the mud kitchen, scooping out pumpkins and enjoying some birthday cake!
The children made me so proud at the Harvest Assembly- singing and dancing their hearts out. Well done.
Have a lovely break and we will see you back at school on Monday 4th November.
11th October 2024
**Education City**
Did you know that we have a school Education City account? Please help us to make the most of this resource. Look out for log ins in your children's bags and use the search feature to explore games and activities to support phonics, maths, and science.
Thank you! Mrs O'Connell 🙂 (Year One class teacher/ Computing subject lead)
Week 6
This week we have been exploring Autumn colours. The children have enjoyed investigating autumn finds such as conkers and leaves on the light box. We have painted beautiful artwork using a palette inspired by the season.
The children are really enjoying the provision in Nursery, dressing up is a new trend! We have new resources for our dry sand area, which is providing amazing opportunities for language development.
Week 4
We have been reading the story 'Elmer', we talked about what made Elmer so special. On the creative table children were invited to explore different colours and create their own Elmer inspired art.
Dough Disco
We have started our ‘Dough Disco’ sessions in Nursery. Each child has their own pot of dough. We manipulate the dough into different shapes, moving along to music as we do this. This helps to strengthen the muscles that we need for writing.
Phonics fun with our Floppy Phonics scheme- this week we explored environmental sounds in the home.
Week 3
It has been a week filled with joy-the sun has been shining and we have been a very happy Nursery cohort! The play that is being observed is amazing- we have seen collaboration, negotiation and super communication over the last few days.
Week 2
The morning and full-time children got to enjoy their first session with our P.E coach, Mr Shingler.
We had a lovely week-here are some photos of the fun things we did as we continue to settle into Nursery.
Week 1
It has been wonderful to meet the children, and lots of parents this week. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we completed our Transition Week - it really does help to settle children into a new environment and routine gently.
The routine for entering Nursery is being practised daily- hang up your coat and then find somewhere to play! Please encourage your child to be independent at this time.
If you have any questions or concerns please come and speak to myself, Mrs Howarth or Mrs Peters. We understand that starting Nursery is a big step for many children- and for many parents!