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Reminder - School closes at 3pm Friday 14th February 2025 and will open again on Monday 24th February 2025 at 9am.

Week 2

Well done to all Reception 1 children this week! It has been your first week of full days and you have all been absolute super stars!!


Miss Edwards and I are very proud of all of you. You have been busy settling in to the routines of the day, discovering the resources, making new friends, sharing, being kind, doing yoga in the hall and our first PE session with Mr Shingler.

In the outdoor area you have enjoyed exploring, playing and being very imaginative.

On Friday reception went to our first Celebration Assembly in the hall with the rest of the school. This is where we celebrate birthdays from the week, a medal winner from each class and any achievements from outside of school. You were fantastic! So smart and sensible.

We also manage to get through the children's Chatterbags and sent them back home.


Your child brought home their phonics folder on Friday. Please can you make sure that all the contents stay inside the plastic folder to protect them from getting wet and damaged in the rain and that they are in your child's school book bag each day.


Quick Reminders

* please can children bring a named water bottle containing fresh water daily

* everything to be labelled

* PE kits to be worn to school on Thursday & Friday


Thank you for your support - Your children, Miss Edwards and myself appreciate it.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Monday morning.

Take care

Mrs Spooner x

