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Autumn 1

Thursday 24th October

Thank you to everyone who managed to come to our Harvest celebration. The children really enjoyed performing their songs for you and I hope you enjoyed it to!


This week 1G were also the best STARS of Victoria Park Infant School showing impeccable manners and behaviour around school and to others. As winners they enjoyed their Golden Lunchtime with Mrs Walkden.

As the half term holidays are fast approaching, I wondered if the children would like to carry on being scientists and see what different trees they can spot when they are out and about next week. There are some handy ID sheets below to help you.

Finally, I just wanted to say that the children have really grown this half term and have settled well into the routines of Year One. I am so proud of them and their achievements. I hope you all have a lovely half term holiday and I will see you back in school on Monday 4th November.

Miss Green

Thursday 17th October

What a busy week it’s been in 1G!

As scientists we have been talking about the seasonal changes and identifying which trees grow in the local area. We went on a walk to Victoria Park and collected leaves to help us identify the trees. The children were beautifully behaved listening well to the adults. We all had a wonderful time!

In art we have been continuing our work with pattern, shape and space and this week we did some printing with the printing blocks we made last week.

We have also been busy practising our singing and getting ready for our Harvest Festival which is on Wednesday next week. We hope to see you there!

Friday 11th October

**Education City**

Did you know that we have a school Education City account? Please help us to make the most of this resource. Look out for log ins in book bags/ reading records and use the search feature to explore games and activities to support phonics, maths, and science. Homework may also be assigned on Education City by your teachers so be sure to check the class pages. 

Thank you! Mrs O'Connell ðŸ™‚ (Year One class teacher/ Computing subject lead)

Thursday 10th October

Another super week of learning in 1G 😊.

In English we have been exploring the fable, Town Mouse and Country Mouse. The children have looked at the different settings and written sentences about how the characters felt at different parts in the story. We have been working on using correct letter formation and writing sentences using capital letters and full stops. We have also linked our Geography work to this, finding out the differences between a village, town and city.


In Maths we have been finding out the addition facts for our numbers up to 10, using the part-whole model. We have used lots of practical resources to help but some children have found this concept tricky (working out the four sums, known as number sentences) and may need some extra practise at home. This video below will explain what a fact family is.

In our DT lesson this week, we have carried on with our work on structures, designing and making bridges that a toy car could travel along. The children used different construction toys and materials to build their bridges, testing their ideas as they went along and solving problems when things didn’t quite go to plan! They worked really hard on this and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

Next week

We are hoping to visit the park on Tuesday (weather permitting) to identify the different types of trees growing and look at the seasonal changes for our science work.

Thursday 3rd October

Well, what a busy active week it has been!

We enjoyed our walk around Stratford using our field work skills to read and follow a map. We looked at how the land and different buildings are used in the locality, spotting the shops, the public hall, houses, the old cinema and the park. The children behaved beautifully, listening well to the adult instructions, great work 1G!

In maths we have started our addition work by looking at part whole models and finding the missing amounts. The video below explains what the children have been learning.

In art we have continued with our work on pattern, shape and space. This week we took a line for a ‘walk’ and chose how to fill the white spaces.

Next week

Don’t forget to bring your smiles for photograph day on Tuesday 😊.

Friday 27th September

What a super week of learning 1G have had!

This week we started our new story, This is the bear and enjoyed learning more about the characters using drama and writing sentences about how the characters were feeling at different parts of the story. We have been working on using the correct letter formation and writing sentences using capital letters and full stops.

In Maths we have been focusing on comparing 2 numbers. We have been practising the vocabulary of greater than, less than and is equal to. The children enjoyed comparing numbers and putting numbers in order from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest. If you would like some more practise at home, there is a link below.

In our practical DT lessons, we have learnt about structures and how we can make them stable. We used newspapers and masking tape to see who could make the tallest (and most stable!) skyscraper. The children were enthusiastic and worked well as a team to problem solve and communicate effectively with each other to complete the task. They had great fun! Well done to everyone…not an easy job with just newspaper and masking tape 😊!

Next week

We are hoping to go on a walk around the local area to look at the use of buildings that surround us.

Wednesday 25th September

Thank you to all the parents who were able to come last night, it was lovely to meet to all and I hope you found it useful. I’ve put a few slides below from the presentation and a copy of the handout in the children’s reading folders for those who couldn’t make it. As mentioned yesterday, I am in the playground before and after school or you can email the office and they will forward it to me.

Thursday 19th September

We've had a super week together this week, enjoying the lovely sunshine. In maths we’ve been counting forwards and backwards, finding one more and one less than a number and used this to find missing numbers in sequences. Some children are still finding counting backwards a little tricky so some additional practise at home would be useful. We are continuing to enjoy our gymnastics and football sessions with the coaches.

This week we have been super science detectives using our senses to recognise different tastes and smells. In DT we have been learning how to join materials and have used our imaginations to design and create using various reclaimed boxes and tubes, which I’m sure you’ve seen the results at home. If you would like to donate any spare tubes and small boxes (not larger than a cereal box) I would be very grateful as my supply has been depleted this week by such an enthusiastic class!

We have also begun our library sessions this week. The children will have an opportunity to swap their books each week, usually on a Monday. Please return the library book in their book bag each week.


Next week

The Meet the Teacher meeting will be on Tuesday 24th September. It will start at 3.30pm in 1G’s classroom. It will be a talk about what happens in Year 1, and a chance to put faces to the names. Please make childcare arrangements for your child, as it is a meeting just for parents and carers this time. I look forward to seeing you if you can make it (please don't worry if you can't).




Friday 13th September

It's been a super week in 1G!

The children have really enjoyed learning lots of new things. We have doing lots of counting in Maths and learning how to represent numbers in a ten frame We also enjoyed our first PE lesson as Year One’s doing gymnastics and football skills. We have been doing lots of independent learning through play, practising our sharing and turn taking skills with the games and toys in class as well as becoming more familiar with the routines of Year One.

If you are interested to find out what the children have for lunch the menu is below. We are on week 3 next week.

Finally, I have sent home the reading and phonics homework to be completed by next Thursday please. More information and help can be found in the homework tab above. The reading and phonics homework provides additional opportunities for children to consolidate the learning they have done in class as well as practise their segmenting and blending skills. With the scheme there are also resources that can be used at home to support your child’s phonics learning. Click on the link below, then use the student tab.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Friday 6th September

The children have settled well into the routines of Year One and it has been lovely to see all their smiling faces in the morning. They have really enjoyed being with all their friends again after the summer holidays and have loved learning and playing together this week in the sunshine. So, if anyone has come home and told you that they did nothing this week at school… then I’m sure you will enjoy the photographs below.

I am still hearing the children read and will send home their reading books next week. I am available in the playground before and after school if you have any questions.


PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays this half term starting next week (Tuesday 10th and Thursday 12th). Children can come to school ready in their PE clothes on those days. Don’t forget earrings need to be removed for PE days.


Have a lovely weekend everyone, Miss Green

Tuesday 3rd September

Hello everybody and welcome back to school 😊

The children have settled well into their new classroom and enjoyed the different activities we have done. We have had a wonderful day together and I cannot wait for tomorrow. Just to let you know that PE this half term will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the children can come to school in their PE kits on these days.


Miss Green
