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Welcome back to Victoria Park Infant School

Week 1

Hello Reception 2 Families!

It's good to have everyone back this weeklaugh

We have returned to our topic 'Getting to Know Me and Getting to Know You!' and have explored some of the special traditions that we enjoy with our families and friends. 

We started by finding out about the origins of Bonfire Night and the kind of things that we anticipated we'd get up to. Importantly, we learnt about the Firework Code and the ways that we can all keep safe on Bonfire Night. We looked at safety posters and how useful posters are at giving us important and helpful information. So we decided to make our own safety posters!

We had a lovely time exploring hot collage colours with materials and created some beautiful bonfire and firework collages.

We enjoyed finding out about about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali. This is another vibrant festival of of light and we had fun learning about Rangoli patterns and creating our own colourful Rangoli pattern suncatchers. What a crafty crew we are!

Thank you to Rig for sharing his own special photos and Diva lamp from home and telling us all about his family's Diwali celebrations. 


The weather has been very kind to us this week and we have enjoyed playing and learning together outside in the fresh air.


It was lovely to welcome Miss Gorey to Reception 2 this week. The children really impressed her with their smartness and gave her a lovely welcome to the class. 

Next week, we will learn about our 5 Senses as we continue to learn about ourselves.

Next week is National Anti-Bullying week and the children ae invited to wear odd socks to school to celebrate being different and unique. Pease refer to Mrs Walkden's email about next week's events. 

I look forward to seeing everyone at our Parent's Evening on either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Have a lovely weekend 

Mrs Cook x
