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Welcome back to Victoria Park Infant School

Week 6

Hello Reception 2 Families!

What a week! We are so very proud of all of the children in R2 for shining so brightly in our Christmas Production of The Wriggly Nativity! Thank you for coming to watch and being a lovely audience. Thanks also for your donations to our chosen Christmas charity, the Santa Dash and for helping towards the costs of our R2 Christmas party with your kind donations. If you are yet to contribute towards the party then please hand it to me next week. 


  • It will take place on Thursday 19th December 
  • The children can wear their own clothes but please be mindful of the weather and the fact that will have outdoor play, so safe comfy shoes please!
  • On the day, there will be party food! All dietary needs have been considered.
  • We will dance our socks off and play games together!
  • Rumour has it that we'll be getting a visit from the big guy himself on party day! How exciting!

Despite being such busy performers, we have been busy learning too. We are approaching the end of Floppy Phonics Level1+ and will embark upon Level 2 in the new year. I am very proud of the children's progress in their reading and thank you to you for supporting them in their home reading practise and their Floppy Phonics homework sheets. We have very busy making some beautiful Christmas crafts, which are gifts for you and the children cannot wait to bring them home to you next week! Letters to Father Christmas have been written too! 

Next Tuesday is Panto Day! A travelling panto company will come to perform for us. Always a fun addition to the Christmas calendar!

Myself, Miss Myles and Miss Gorey are looking forward to sharing a magical and fun week with our little people next week! 

Here are some gorgeous pics of our little performers in their show...

Mrs Cook xxx
