Friday 20th December.
Thank you so much to everyone who sent us gifts and cards this week, what a lovely surprise!
We both hope you have a fantastic Christmas break & look forward to seeing you on Monday 6th January.
Merry Christmas!
Miss Ryde & Mrs O'Connell xx
Thursday 19th December.
We had so much fun at our class party this afternoon & we even had a visit from Father Christmas!!
Tuesday 17th December
We had fun at our pantomime 'Dick Whittington' in school today.
Thursday 12th December.
Here's a picture of 1C today in our Christmas hats and amazing jumpers! Thank you to everyone who donated to wear them.
Also thank you to all those who have donated to our class party fund so far. We will be out on the playground with a collection box tomorrow morning and afternoon, if you would like to contribute. The party will be held in school on Thursday 19th December.
Many thanks
Miss Ryde.
PS There is no phonics homework this week or next week, and library books have been changed for the final time this term. Please bring library books back in to change on the first Wednesday when we are back in January.
Thank you for coming to watch the Christmas production this week, we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Mrs O'Connell x
Week ending 6th December
This week we have been busy practising our Christmas production, we are looking forward to performing it next week.
We have also been practising place value and understanding why teen numbers begin with a '1', as well as spelling the numbers as words. Here is a place value game called 'shark numbers' that the children will enjoy playing at home.
The children have been working very hard to learn alternative spellings of sounds in phonics. Next week we are practising reading and spellings words containing split digraph sounds. (You might remember those being called 'magic e' words).
We also had a fantastic time taking part in the Santa Dash on Wednesday. Enjoy our post-dash photos below!
Mrs O'Connell x
Tuesday 26th November
Firstly I'd like to say thank you to all of the parents for attending parent's evening. Miss Ryde and I enjoyed meeting you all and showing you your child's work. We are really proud of them all, and the effort that everyone is making to support the children at home is helping them massively. They really are a fantastic class!
Last week the 1C children earned the most special tokens for behaviour around school and we won the prize of all sitting at Mrs Walkden's GOLDEN TABLE for lunch time today! I cannot tell you how excited we all were, and how proud we are of 1C! Such deserving winners; look at those smiles!
We have also enjoyed Anti-Bullying week and wore our odd socks. We read stories and talked about types of friendly behaviour and how to be a good friend and resolve conflicts together. We worked in groups as well as independently.
In English over the past 2 weeks we have been reading the book Peace at Last by Jill Murphy and using drama to explore the characters. We have been learning to use adjectives and verbs, and our imagination in our writing.
In Science we have been continuing to look at the weather and changing seasons and how animals adapt to them through hibernation and migration. This week we are focusing on pets and learning to classify them according to their physical features. We are also learning how to care for a pet through our PSHE lessons.
We also had our last PE sessions (for this term) with the coaches last week and all of them commented on how much the children have improved since September.
This week we are busy practising some Christmas songs in preparation for singing in the park with Mrs Walkden this Saturday. The singing will begin at 12.00, I hope to see you there!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs O'Connell x
Friday 8th November
Welcome back everyone! We have had a great first week back. The children have learnt about Bonfire Night safety, as well as using their experiences of fireworks this week to write a class poem and we learnt the word onomatopoeia.
We have also had a go at writing our own poem using repetitive language, based on 'A Dark Dark Tale.'
For our maths work we are using our part whole model knowledge to fill in missing number questions, and answer word problems. We are writing our fact families and practising number bonds to numbers within 10.
For example, for the part whole models here, we now know:
1+2=3, 2+1=3, 3=1+2, 3=2+1
3+2=5, 2+3=5, 5=3+2, 5=2+3
Thank you for all of your hard work reading at home and completing the phonics homework. If you have any questions or need any help please come and find us in the playground.
We are looking forward to focusing on friendships for National Anti-Bullying Week next week. Please see Mrs Walkden's emailed update for more information about this half term.
Below is our Year One Curriculum Update for Autumn 2.
We look forward to seeing you next week for parent's evening.
Mrs O'Connell x